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Riley's POV

Maya, Farkle, Lucas, Alex and I all had to wake up early to make it to the airport on time. Lucas drove and Alex sat in the passenger seat. Farkle sat in between Maya and I. Every once and a while I would look up and see Lucas or Alex stare at her.

Maya had told me last night about everything and how Lucas was already moving on to Rose. I felt bad for her that Lucas didn't want to be with her. I also felt bad for Alex. When I called Alex asking if he could come out for Maya's birthday I'm sure this was not what he imagined.

Farkle's POV

I'm not sure what's going to happen between Alex and Lucas. They were both sitting next to each other not talking and making glance towards Maya every once and a while. Lucas was such an idiot for going out with Rose last night. If they weren't going out on date then Maya would have picked him.

We got to the airport an hour before Alex's plane took off. Lucas helped him carry his luggage and we all walked with him to security.

"Thanks Riley for bringing me out here," Alex said walking over hugging Riley.

"No problem just have a safe flight," Riley said hugging him back.

"Farkle stay weird until you come back," Alex said giving me one of those hugs guys give each other.

"Always," I said.

Lucas's POV

Alex said goodbye to everyone but waited to say goodbye to Maya and I until last.

"Have fun out here," Alex said as Maya pulled him into a hug.

"I'll miss you," Maya said still holding onto him.

"I'll miss you too," Alex said before they pulled out of their hug.

Alex walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, "Take care of her man."

"I will," I said hugging him back.

"Well it's time I go," Alex said walking away, "I'll see you guys when you get back."

"Bye," everyone yelled waving.

We all waited for Alex to disappear into security and then we walked back to the car. This time Farkle sat up front next to me. The ride home was quite and this time it wasn't me trying to glance at Maya it was Maya trying to glance at me.

When I pulled into the driveway Maya and Riley took of inside but Farkle sat there in the car.

"What were you thinking last night?" Farkle said turning towards me.

"Farkle I get it. I've been telling myself the same thing all night," I said, "I don't need you to yell at me too."

"Maya's really upset," Farkle said.

"I guess I really blew it this time," I sighed.

"I'm not sure how you can fix this."

"I guess we both just have to go back to being friends."

"Can you do that?"

"I don't know but I have to try," I said getting out of the car going inside.

"What does that even mean?" Farkle said sitting down on the couch.

"I'm not sure yet," I said sitting down next to him.

Riley's POV

"How are you feeling?" I asked Maya once I sat down on the balcony with her.

"Fine I guess," Maya said sipping her hot chocolate.

"Really?" I asked looking at her.

"I don't know how I should feel. Alex is gone and Lucas is out with some other girl."

"What's going to happen with you and Lucas?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe we will go back to being friends."

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea."

"Yeah," Maya said.

"Do want some space?" I said getting up.

"No I need some company," Maya said.

Maya and I sat out there for a while. For the first couple of minutes we sat in silence but then we starting talking like normal. We kept telling jokes and laughing over stupid stuff and it was like normal. This was supposed to be our summer full of laughs and not crazy guy drama. I knew Maya felt the same way.

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