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*August 1st, 2012*

"Tori! How have you been?" I heard my best friend grin into the phone.

"Ni! It's been weeks! I've been good, how have you been, love?" I smiled.

"Great! You still in that band with the girls?" He asked.

"Yep! We're still goin strong after 2 years!" I grinned.

"We have an opening on tour, would you ladies be interested in being our opening act?" He wondered.

"Holy shit, Niall, that's huge!" I gasped.

"I know! You guys are awesome and I think you'd be perfect! If you're interested I can show a video of you ladies to my management and see if they agree." He offered.

"I'm not even 18 yet though! I won't be until May!" I reminded him.

"I know but your mum would let you! She's protective but she wouldn't stop you from this." He assured me.

"And if she knew I would be with you she'd be perfectly okay with it. I'll call the girls." I nodded.

"Thanks so much, Tor. Skype me after you do." He smiled.

"Will do. Bye, Ni." I smiled and we hung up.

"Holy shit, girls!" I squealed as my best friends and band mates answered the phone.

"What?" They were confused.

"Our favorite Irish popstar just called me-" I started.

"Damian McGinty?" My friend Morganne gasped.

"No, Niall. You know, the one we were best friends from the time we met when we were 3?" I laughed.

"Oh, right, continue." She blushed.

"He just called me and asked if we would be interested in being the opening act for One Direction on their next tour!" I squealed.

"Oh my God!" They freaked out.

"So, Mor. Yes?" I double checked.

"Are you insane? Of course yes!" She freaked.

"And, Jess?" I asked our other bandmate.

"Of course, Tor, but you aren't 18 until next May, you sure?" She was concerned.

"I'm gonna ask my mum quick but I would give my left tit to be able to go." I laughed and hung up.

"Show them the video, I'm going to go ask my mum" I texted Niall.

"Mum!" I yelled downstairs as I ran down.

"Yes?" She asked from the kitchen.

"So you know how Niall is in that crazy successful band?" I asked and she nodded.

"He just offered me and the girls the spot as their opening act on tour." I explained.

"When would this tour begin?" She raised an eyebrow.

"February with rehearsals soon." I told her.

"Victoria, you won't be 18 until next May." She reminded me.

"Mum, please. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. Please." I begged.

"How many breaks will you get?" She asked as she stirred what she was cooking.

"I don't know but I'll find out soon." I explained.

"Promise me you'll visit at least half of them." She stipulated.

End Up Here (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now