The Baby Project~Pearlet

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Dedicated to violetliaison, taking requests

Pearl's POV:

I was asleep in class until my face made contact with a cool liquid. "Wake up, Pearl, wake up!" My teacher, Ms. Royale exclaimed, handing me a towel to dry the water off my face. Obviously, being in the front row of the class, I earned stares from almost every student. "Do I have something on my face?" I mumbled. "Yes." The girl behind me, Violet Chachki, pointed out. I rolled my eyes, and Ms. Royale began to talk about some project that is 50% of our grades or whatever. I didn't cars, I hated it here. Woosh.

"Alright, time for partners!" Ms. Royal exclaimed. My eyes quickly darted to my best friend, Trixie Mattel. "I will be choosing them," She continued, emphasizing the 'I'. I sat there, annoyed, waiting for my name to be called. "Let's see... Pearl Liaison," She said, grabbing my attention. "And Violet Chachki." She lost my attention then. Are you kidding me! Violet was pretty much known to be shady, well, she hasn't been shady, rumors just spread faster than anything, and I don't think this one could be wrong. She didn't like working with people, not because she was lonely, she could befriend anyone if she wanted to, she was beautiful. It was because, in her own words, "I'm tiered of working with people that aren't myself."

I turned around to face Violet, who was writing something in her notebook. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Choosing possible baby names." She didn't look up at me at all. "You know, I get a say in it too, right?" I told her. "Not if you sleep throughout the entire lesson." She remarked, and kept writing. Rude much?

"Yeah, we can meet up at the mall near 6?" Trixie asked. She wanted to talk about her 'new' crush on Katya, it wasn't new as she claimed it to be, though. It's obvious that she had liked her since day 1. "Hey, Pearl!" Someone shouted. I turned around, and saw Violet gracefully walking over to me and Trixie. "Hi?" I responded, a questioning tone in my voice. "We have to work on the project tonight, Starbucks, 5:30?" She said, smiling. I've never seen that girl smile. It was beautiful. "Uh, yeah?" I responded, and as if it hadn't been possible, her smile became wider, and she walked off. "Excuse you!" Trixie exclaimed. "I have to work on that too, I forgot, uh.." She trailed off. I rolled my eyes, "Who's your partner?" I asked. "Katya..." She whispered. "Have fun, I've got a date tonight." I was about to walk off when Trixie stopped me. "With who exactly? I thought you were working on your project?" "The mother of my whatever gender this robotic baby is." I winked, and walked away.


I was going to be late. I stuffed my arms into my jacket sleeves, and literally jumped out the door, and fumbling with my keys. I eventually got in, and was off to Starbucks.


"You're late." Violet said, standing outside the door, not looking up from her phone. "By one minute!" I raised my voice to be slightly louder than usual. Violet looked up, and rolled her eyes. "It's only okay this time because you look cute when distressed." She opened the glass doors and walked in. oh, I see how it is. I walked into the shop, and took a seat across from her. "So, what are we going to name our kid?" I asked, looking at her papers. "Well, I didn't actually like any of the ones I ended up choosing, so...." She trailed off. "Vladonna." I suggested. "What?" She looked up from her paper. "Vladonna." I repeated. "For the baby's name?" She stopped fidgeting with her metallic purple pen. "Yes, what else." I leaned back in my seat. "Okay," She wrote it down in the blank spot of her notes.

"Can we go to Red Lobster?" She randomly asked, while scrolling through texts. "Why?" I answered her with a question, not exactly answering it, but who cares. She shrugged. "Sure." I replied to her shrug. "Come Through!" She exclaimed, gathering her supplies for school. I chuckled, and picked up my phone.

"Is this a date?" Violet asked me, stuffing her fork in the meal she had ordered. I wasn't going to be cliche and respond to her as 'If you want it to be' because, obviously, she did. That's why she asked. "Yes." I told her, stuffing my face with food. Her eyes lit up, and it was so cute. That's what I love about her- what. I love her. She smiled, and picked up her phone, scrolling through contacts. "What are you doing, now?" I asked her. "Fame owes me 30 bucks." She replied. "Why, exactly?" I continued to question her. "She bet me 30 that you didn't love me back." And with that Miss. Fame picked up the phone. You have no idea how much it took not to just say 'I love you, too.' I don't even think she knows she said it.

                                    ~8 years later~

"I can't wait, Vi," I smiled happily, down at my future wife as she stood in a room with just me, herself, and a orphanage owner. She had to sign the paper so that we could adopt a child of our own. "What are you two naming the child?" The worker asked us. We were adopting an unnamed infant, I couldn't be more happy. "Vladonna." I cut in to whatever Violet was trying to say. "For a baby?" The woman it the desk asked me. "Yes." I told her, smiling at the paper work Violet and I had just filled out.

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