And I oop- Trixya/ Jasmine being a crackhead/ Pearlet

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(Second time writing this cause I accidentally did all caps- oops. Anyways, it has been a loooonggg time since I updated so hopefully this chapter is somewhat decent)

3rd person Pov:

Violet and Pearl sat together on a red cushioned couch attempting to have a calm moment and talk to each other. The two didn't mind if what they spoke of was drama, they just enjoyed each other's company, and for some reason they couldn't have any alone time, the soul reason being the fact that Jasmine Masters entered the room, pushing the two queens apart to allow herself a seat in between them. "So," Jasmine began, in a somewhat monotone, yet still energetic tone. "I've got myself some tea, honey." She continued, pulling the glass table from across the three queens closer, so that she could grab a glass and drink from it. The other two were clearly annoyed, yet intrigued with  Jasmine's entrance statement, so Violet gave Jasmine what little attention she believed the other deserved, while Pearl attempted to keep herself awake to hear the rest of what she had to say.

Jasmine cleared her throat before speaking, earning herself a giant eye roll from Violet. Yes, Jasmine had noticed this, but she chose not to acknowledge it. After all, she would just go in front of a camera and complain about the other queen's behavior at another time, much like she was doing now, except she was complaining about Katya and Trixie, and wasn't doing it to a camera. "So, I believe that us three, lovely people," She started, attempting to praise the two others seating near her so they'd understand and take part in her plan. "Should spy on Katya and Trixie."  Jasmine pointed the glass in her hand towards the door, knowing that the pair was in the room across from them. "And that's a good  idea because?" Pearl slowly said, turning to face Jasmine with annoyance clearly evident in her expression. Violet let out a small laugh, causing Jasmine to stand up and turn to the two, faster than Eureka's supposed ability to gain PTSD.

"Fine then," She sassed, placing her glass on the coffee table and crossing her arms over her chest. "I'll do it myself." She smirked, as if to say it was a wonderful idea, and looked as if she was awaiting one of the two others to respond with "alright, I'll help," or "Actually, that's a great idea." but, alas, the only answer she received was by Violet, who, in annoyance, stated "So, how exactly do you plan to this?" Jasmine showed no sign of offense, either she refused to prove the others were correct, or she was to oblivious to figure out Violet hadn't meant what she said in a kind tone, and that she hadn't been interested in Jasmine's grand plan at all.

"Simple," She said changing her attention from Violet to pearl, sneaking glances of both of their responses as she spoke. "I  hide." She then triumphantly placed her hands on her hips, and smiled. "Right," Pearl told her, trailing the 't' sound. "And how do you plan on not being caught?" "If you are trying to find plot holes in my amazing idea, you must stand down, because I have thought of it all." Jasmine explained, moving her hands at each word, speaking almost the same way Katya usually did- half words, the rest, completely unrelated and undecipherable hand motions. "Okay then," Violet moved closer to Pearl since Jasmine had finally stood up. "So where will you hide?"

Jasmine looked at them as if they were crazy, I mean, come on hadn't she already told them she thought of everything? Then, in the most blunt tone as if it was the most obvious statement in the world, she said,

"A cocoon,"

Violet and Pearl looked at each other, both struggling to hide their laughter at the ridiculous statement they heard. Eventually, Pearl spoke up. "Well get to it," She said to Jasmine, with almost clear disappointment in her voice. Pearl had pretty much been done dealing with the nonsense, so she decided she might as well send Jasmine off, even if it was a terrible idea. "I will," Jasmine told Pearl, grabbing a circular object that looked like folded fabric from a shelf left of her before making her way to and out the door.

Making as little noise as possible, Jasmine walked across the hall, stopping before the door. She knocked three times, so it was defiantly audible to see if there was anyone in the room. After getting no response and waiting a minute or two, she turned the door nob and peaked in. Nothing. Jasmine opened the door enough to fit herself and her cocoon through, and quickly closed it behind her. She had to hurry up if she didn't want to be caught, so she walked the the back of the room, set up the cocoon, and slid herself in.

After barely waiting a minute, she heard the door creak, signaling someone had entered. She stood as still as she could and tried to keep herself silent. "Did we ever order a, uh, super  tall petticoat?" She heard a voice recognizable as Trixie say, seeing the shadow of the queen through the thin sheets of fabric she hid behind. "No?" Another voice answered, but Jasmine know it was Katya. Jasmine began to breath heavily, had she been caught?

"Well, what a nice housewarming gift," Trixie said. Jasmine let out a heavy sigh of relief, surprised the younger queen hadn't caught her in the act (haha...) "Mhm, it's kinda weird looking though," Katya stated. Jasmine wanted to jump out so bad just to attack Katya on what she said about her cocoon, but the statement was followed quickly by the same voice, "But I like weird, it's my thing. Also, this is a hotel room, not a house." Jasmine then heard Trixie speak up. "Eh, bed, table, couch, food, sounds like a house to me." "True,"

Jasmine had been there for about an hour, and still hadn't gained any tea like she had planned. She was starting to get tired, and very hungry. "You wanna move the giant fabric thing?" Trixie asked, "It's green and that's the opposite of pink, literally." Jasmine heard shuffling and footsteps that moved closer to her.

She had been caught and had no way to hide it, so in the moment, she slid out the top of the cocoon, allowing Trixie to screech, and Katya to jump up with wide eyes.

Jasmine laughed nervously, picking up her cocoon, before attempting to exit.

Before walking out the door, she looked at the couple she had just jump scared, sighed and said the first thing that came to mind, "And I oop-"

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