Forget me (or not) ~Trixya

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Trixie was confused when Katya handed her a bouquet of forget me not flowers. She was also confused when Katya has said nothing before leaving. All She KNEW was that katya has spent the time to her her flowers,but left. She just left. Does this mean they were over?

Tracksuit off the chair she was on and went to go see if Katya was in her room. They had been sharing an apartment for a little while now. Trixie nocked on the door, but when there was no response, she opened it, allowing herself to walk in.

Katya wasn't there, but there had been a note. Trixie picked it up, and was going to read it, but it was in Russian.

"Трикси. Ты - единственный человек, с которым я могу смотреть и влюбляться снова и снова."

Trixie scanned the clue for any hint of what it may be, and eventually gave up, consulting Google translate. She slowly typed in the words, receiving equally as slow responses from her phone.

The first word was Trixie.Trixie knew the letter was for her,it started with her name. Then it hit her. Was this note to stall her? Katya had been suicidal for who knows how long, and with the rumours around town that trixie had cheated on her- she had to find where Katya was.

She stuffed the note in her pocket and ran down the status putting on a pair of yellow and pink boots. She ran out the door looking down at her phone. Pulling up Google maps, she saw that there were three different bridges near by. She could check them all, but she didn't have the time.

Trixie quickly pulled up the app SnapChat, knowing that Katya had SnapMaps enabled. The was probably to busy to turn it off. As a matter of fact, Trixie was correct. Katya was a at The one furthest away. Great.

A pastel pink car was slowly moving across the road, trying not to run over a slower moving turtle that was on the streets. Trixie knew this car belonged to her best friend, Pearl. She waved at her friend, before signalling her to stop the car. Pearl had done just that, allowing for Trixie to peel the turtle off the road and place it on the other side without getting hit. She then asked Pearl for a ride, who had luckily agreed to.

The two were close to the bridge when trixie actually decided to jump out of a speeding pink convertible. Pearl stopped to make sure she was okay, and then they ran to the bridge. Neither coiled make out Katya's figure.

Were they too late?

Trixie began to sob as she absolutely to the ground.d, hiding her face in her hands. Pearl walked closer to comfort her friend. Trixie was basically causing the river stream's water levels to rise with her amount of tears. A girl with dark hair walked up to the pair. She had been previously sitting under a tree near by.

"Hello?" She tapped Pearl's shoulder. "Hi?" Pearl asked, a.d she had obviously shed some tears, not as much as Trixie, however. "Are you... looking for the dirty blonde girl?" The woman asked, Pearl nodding in response. "She just left. She was about to jump. I tried convincing her otherwise, but there is no doubt that she could be at one of the other bridges by now." The dark haired girl made a saddened face, not if pity, but if understanding gestures.

"Thank you," Pearl told the girl, pulling Trixie to her feet. "You could have saved someone's life today." The dark haired girl nodded, before responding. "Ever since my best friend attempted suicide in middle school, I've come here when I could to stop those who try." Trixie smiled through her tears before hugging the girl. "Why have I never seen you?" Pearl asked her.

"I live in the more privileged you could say, area. My parents force me to go to private school, but its okay, because I'm used to it. Oh, I forgot my name is Violet." Viet replied. "Pearl." Pearl held out a hand and the two shook, giving Trixie the time to clear her throat. "Oh, sorry. Here, Trixie, take my car ill pick it up later." Pearl threw her pink car keys at Trixie, who dashed off to the vehicle.

Trixie pulled up to her apartment building and rushed up to her room. She saw Katya sitting on the couch all scrunched up. "Kat?" She asked, awaiting a response. "Trix... I'm so so sorry. I should have believed you..." Katya got up from the couch and pulled Trixie into a right hug.

"Since you are okay now, do you mind reading this for me?" Trixie handed Katya the Russian note. "Trixie, you are the only person I can look at and fall in love with all over again." Katya read,handing Trixie the note afterwards.


Trixie smiled at her audience for tonight before ending her song. She looked Katya, who was in the front row, centered, in the eye. She let a slow breath go into the microphone before beginning again to strum on her guitar.

"I haven't been drinking, I haven't been thinking of lonely "If Only"s and then..." Trixie looked at Katya who was smiling as bright as the biggest star in the world. "And then I see you... and I know you all over again. And then I see you-" I paused before closing my eyes thinking of the moment that had brought us closer together. "And I love you all over again."

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