Board Game. ~Trixya, Pearlet, Biadore, Shalaska

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Katya's POV:

Sharon and I walked out of the basement, she had been holding a quite unusual looking board game that we found while looking for Trixie's favorite game, Candy Land. Everyone stopped what they were doing once they noticed we arrived.

"That doesn't look like Candy Land." Trixie pointed out, and Adore nodded. "It looks... I don't even know, not like anything I've played before." Pearl agreed with them. "Yeah, maybe because it's not Candy Land." Bianca remarked in a sassy tone.

Alaska ripped the game from Sharon's hands, removing the top half of the box. She set the top down behind her and pulled out a board game, placing it in the center of all of us. She then pulled out 3 boxes with some sort if LED light fixture. Placing the boxes Where Instructed on the piece if paper she held, she began to read the rules out loud.

"All players must sit in a circle around the board. Each player must choose a game board piece of any color." She motioned to small bag if 12 colored game pieces. "The player is to roll 1 die and move as many spaces as told. Upon arrival on your final spot, the black box will set a card out for you to read. The card will have a question that you must answer correctly. If you get it right, the green box will eject a card which holds a dare. You choose who gets it. However, if you answer incorrectly, the red box will hold your card which you must do yourself. If any player cheats they will be given the final dare which is never easy. If a player quits, they have to face their greatest fear in a licked room for 10+ minutes." She finished reading the instructions. "Seems easy enough." Bianca shrugged, then reached for the bag of colorful game pieces.

She put her hand in and removed a teal, passing it to Adore. She then took a hot pink and gave it to Trixie. She pulled a red and a white out at the same time. The white had been more of a creamy pink color, so it wasn't just white. Bianca rolled the red across the room to me and tossed the pinkish one to Pearl. She grabbed a magenta and smirked before handing it to Violet. "Here you go, Magenta." She said, placing it in her palm. "Hey!" Violet shouted, closing her hand. She pulled a black from the bag.

"Okay, who made this game and who am I going to have a discussion with about this." She said, still holding the black piece. "Black is NOT a color. It is a shade." She said, huffing. "Uh, I thought it was a color." Adore pulled the piece from Bianca, who rolled her eyes in response. "Of course, you did." "Well, if it's not a color, then what is gray exactly?" Adore set down the piece. "Max's wig." Viet replied, cooley. "Violet!" Pearl snapped, trying not to laugh.

"Gray is also a shade. It's kind of like the mid-tone of all of them. Black is the darkest shade if any color." Bianca picked up the piece and rolled it to Sharon. "Thanks for the lesson." I told her, finally deciding to put my piece in the 'start' section of the game board. Bianca then pulled out a maroon-ish color. "Well I guess this is mine, because Alaska seems to have her eye on that one single glittery thing." Bianca rolled her eyes, pulling out a navy blue glittery game piece. She tossed it to Alaska before grabbing the die.

"Who's first?" She asked, and when no one stepped up, she rolled her eyes along with the die. 5. She moved closer to the board and grabbed her piece, placing it 5 squares forward. The black box glowed slightly and a small card came out.

"Which chemical element has the shortest name." She read out loud. If I got that I would be out already I can't even name one chemical element. I don't know anything about science other than that it's good for you.

"Oh, that's easy. Tin." She said, and the green box glowed. She looked around the room. "I want to give my dare to... Adore." Adore hesitantly took the slip of paper from the box.

Adore's POV:

I held the card in my hand, my eyes closed. Something about this game gave me a bad feeling. I looked at the card and read it.

"Do not read this out loud." It said in asterisks. "Already messed up?" Bianca asked me.

I blushed from embarrassment and read the rest to myself. You are to leave the building without a word and pretend someone is breaking in.

It wasn't that bad, but I couldn't say anything about it. What if they thought I was kidnapped? Or died? Or- "clocks ticking." Alaska said, pointing to the timer on the game board. I stuffed the card in the pocket of my ripped shorts and walked out the door. Party.

I stood at the side if the house, thinking to myself. How do I pretend someone us breaking in? Then it hit me. Like it literally hit me. A rock like fell from the sky or something, it hit me on the head.

I slowly began to knock on the window with a rock, trying to create the effect that someone was trying to break it. I then backed up when I heard rustling in the house and aimed the rock at the room on the second story. Well, it didn't hit where I aimed, but it still hit a window. I could hear Trixie shrieking when it made contact (hehe) with the glass, and I quickly went to hide behind a bush.

"Look, there is absolutely nothing there!" I heard Bianca shout. "But the wibdow-" Trixie was cut off by Violet. "I'm sure some neighbor is trying to prank us." I could basically hear her rolling her eyes.

If only that's what was actually happening.

(I'm making part 2, or turning this into a book I don't know why, don't ask me. Bye.)

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