Board Game. ~Part 2

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Bianca's POV:

This was ridiculous.

There is no way someone is actually going to break into the house. "How about we all just continue with the game?" Katya suggested, pulling a scared Trixie to her side. "Yeah, sure, whatever." Pearl mumbled, half asleep. Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only one with common sense here. Alaska nodded, and drug Sharon down the stairs to the game. I followed all the 'couples' aka people Adore shipped together, down the stairs.

"Okay, who's turn?" Violet spoke up. "Sharon." I responded, quickly, knowing she was yet to go. Sharon nodded and grabbed the die. "Where's Adore's game piece?" Trixie asked. "On the board, nitwit." I rolled my eyes, not even looking down at the game to know. Objects can't move themselves. "Uh, no it is not there..." Trixie looked around, I assume she was searching for the teal game piece. "Trixie's right, it's gone." Katya said, pointing to where the piece had been. "No, it is right here." Violet said, holding the teal piece. "Where did you find that?" Alaska asked. "Pearl fell asleep on it. It was where Adore had been sitting." She said, pointing to the blonde who fell asleep. "Weird." Sharon remarked, grabbing the piece and setting it on the board where it had once been placed on the board.

"Great, let's start." Sharon rolled the die. It landed on a 6, but due to interference *cough* hitting Alaska's foot *cough* she had to roll again. Once more, it hit Alaska. It was surprisingly another 6. She rolled again,  finally not being stopped, and it landed on yet another (dig) 6. "666! Is that a sign?" She asked, after moving her game piece 6 spaces forwards. "No, I'm sure it isn't." I answered her. She shrugged, pulling out her card. She read her question out loud.

"There are sixty cups on a table. If one falls down, how many remain?" Sharon rolled her eyes. "Obviously fifty nine. Give me a hard one, game!" Sharon set down her card and expected to get it right, but the red light flashed, giving her a dare. "What?!" She shouted. I crossed my arms. "Sharon, there were six TEA cups. One fell, five are left." I told her. "Oh." She read her dare to herself.

She slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom. Odd. "So," Katya tried to start a conversation. "Uh, guys." Alaska held the instructions sheet in her hand. "I missed part." "What part?" Trixie asked. "If you do not do your dare," she read the paper. You will face a punishment known as death." She let out a shaky breath before looking at me. "Where is Adore?" I swear I stopped breathing. Violet gasped, Pearl still lightly snoring.

"I'll be right back." I got up from my seat and walked out the door. I heard darling in the bushes. Maybe... maybe Trixie was right about someone trying to break in? No... she couldn't be.

I looked in the bushes and saw Adore. "Hey..." She said, getting up. "What the-" she cut me off. "Look! I can explain! My dare was to make you guys think someone was breaking in..." She trailed off. "Well it worked on Trixie, I think you're safe." I assured her. She smiled and we both walked back into the house.

"You found her!" Trixie squealed, then both her and Katya rushed over to hug Adore. "Guys, shush! Sleeping child!" Violet whisper shouted, hugging Pearl. "Well then." I raised an eyebrow at the two. "Still waiting on Sharon?" I asked the girls. Alaska nodded. "Well, what do you guys wanna do?" Adore asked all of us. I heard a creak, like an old door on rusted hinges, or a antique hard wood floor. At first I thought nothing of it, but then I heard Alaska scream.

Sharon held scissors to her hair and his just snipped off about three inches. "SHARON!" Violet yelled. "YOU WOKE UP PEARL!" Adore let out a quiet laugh, alongside Trixie. "Sharon?" Alaska held her dead hair and turned around. " 'Laska, look I'm so sorry, I-" Sharon was cut off by Alaska, a serious tone to her words. "What did your card say?" She asked. Sharon's eyes went wide. "I can't show you!" She grabbed the card in her hands, holding it with an iron grip.

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