Long time no see ~Trixya

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Trixie's POV:

  I sighed as I shuffled through the old, tattered pieces of half burnt, half crumbled papers on my desk. The singular light dimmed and flickered as I scanned the neatly placed letters on the yellowish brown sheets of paper. I couldn't help but let tears fall as I looked around the room at all the polorids I had hung by thin strings. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. That's what pearl alwaystells me. There's just one problem. I can't.

It has been almost 3 years since I last say Katya's smiling face. 3 years since I looked at the only person that can make me appear as happy as the sun. All I can do is look at these old worn down photos and sob. My hand slowly reached to the bookshelf by my door that hadn't been opened unless I was on the verge of starving. I looked at every colorless book, and knew immediately which was the only one I had ever cared for. Katya's old diary. The only thing she had left for me.

She promised she'd be back. For a person like her, I had to believe her she was, is, and will forever be my always. By the time I had soaked the diary with tears I was facing my large window, with more sadness than I had ever shown to anyone. I wiped my eyes and tried to think positively.

The door of my room opened, and I didn't even make an attempt to turn around. "Go away Pearl," I said, my voice sounded raspy, and broken. "I don't want to be more broken than I am." A voice replied, that hadn't been Pearl's. "Please, Trixie, let me in." That couldn't be...

I walked slowly, the dark floorboards creeping under me, showing no sign of defiance towards the persons command, whoever it was knew I was opening the door eventually since my steps grew louder, and closer. I placed my hand on the nob and drew the door open, only to be met immediately with a warm hug and wet tears.

"Trixie.." The person cried letting go of my cold, numb, body. "I love you." I looked up towards the voice and saw the most beautiful living thing I could have met.

I slapped her. "You left me for 3 years, Katya! THREE WHOLE YEARS! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FEEL!?!?" "Trixie, look," she tried to reason, and I was having none of it. "Just go, Katya." I sighed before attempting to shove her out the door.

"Trixie, please, let me explain," she cried, shoving past me. "Please." I looked around the room as a silence built up with her presence. A tall woman walked in behind Katya. She had a rainbow pin on her black dress with the color green marked off of it. "My name is Michelle Visage," she pushed Katya away and offered me a hand. "Sorry, but I knew the Russian hooker over there would go blabbing about it to you if we hadn't made her completely silent." "What do you mean?" I asked, giving Katya a sympathetic look because I had obviously overreacted. "Well, for her appearance on All stars, and finding out about you planning to be casted the time after, Ru knew she would tell you, and that's an unfair advantage." Michelle crossed her arms over her abnormally large chest and waltzed out as if it was nothing.

Katya nervously laughed as she rubbed her neck. "I uh...." I managed, knowing I had been slightly overdramatic... Okay, maybe a lot. "Start over?" Katya asked me, reaching out for a hug. I smiled and pulled her in.

"Long time, no see," she said, pulling me tighter.

"Long time no see." I agreed, as all my most valued memories came flooding in.

It was just us, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N: I guess I'm back?? Shocker, right? Anyways, idk how I came up with this I kinda made it on the spot in my room for like 15 minutes-

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