Cafe ~Pearlet

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Miss Fame's POV:

Max and I stood in the park waiting for Violet to get here. We were gonna get some coffee at the cute little open cafe near by, then study at the tables outside. You see, the 'cafe' was more of a little booth, a market stand like structure, seating and tables outside.

The tables and chairs were made a nice birch wood and the umbrellas above them were white with pastel pink stripes. The family who owned it were named the Liason's, thus resulting in the last name being the cafe title. Pearl,the owners daughter went to school with us, but Max was the only one out of me and her who had classes with her, Violet and Pearl had never met face to face.

Waiting for Violet to arrive, Max took a seat at a table and I followed. Trixie and Katya had bailed on us, not saying what they were doing, but I'm positive it was together, and that they were not studying like us.

Shortly- a long time after sitting down, Violet arrived. She threw her backpack on the table and huffed. Max immediately started asking her if she was okay, and I kind of found it cute, well, more than kind of I guess.

Violet's POV:

I was late to hang out with my friends because I left my binder at school, so I had to drive all the way back and somehow set in during after hours. It was a slight flaw, but I arrived none the less. "Darling, are you alright?" Max asked me after I had tossed my black book bag on the table. I was still upset about forgetting my binder why had I been so stupid. "I'm fine." I responded, looking at her, forcing a smile. Why did I have to delay them all the time?

"Guys, ready to order?" Fame asked. Max nodded, so I said I was also. Fame went to the worker, who seemed to be our age. She was wearing a pastel pink apron and mostly white laced clothing. Her blonde hair was tied back in a messy bun and to be honest, she looked exhausted. Fame ordered, and then Max did, me being last.

"Name?" The employee asked, holding a cup in one of her hands, a sharpie in the other. "Violet." I responded. "You want anything else on there?" She asked me. "Uh, no I guess." She wrote something else and the made our drinks. I went to our table and talked with my friends while we waited.

"Next." The employee stated, in a rather drowsy tone. Fame stood up and went to grab out drinks. "What did you get?" I turned to Max. "Just some good old fashioned tea." She shrugged, smiling. Fame walked over and set all three cups down. "I have some questions." She told us, sliding each cup to the respective person.

"And they are?" A asked, sipping my drink. "The names on the cups! The girl asked me what my name was, I said 'I think you know, we've met.' And look at what she wrote!" Fame turned her cup around to face us, and surely enough, under 'name' it said, "I think you know, we've met." Max started laughing, and to be honest, it was hard not to. I think I liked this employee.

Max, after she contained her giggles, she turned her cup around and started reading it. I could tell by her expression that it didn't say her name. "Well," She turned the cup to face us. "Since she's in some of my classes, when she asked my name, I said "Pearl," seeing as that isms her name, and she looked up at me and replied, "Cool, that's my name too." And now, look at my cup." She held it directly in my face and if course, it said Pearl on it. That's what got me. I started laughing like a maniac, even though I shouldn't be looking 'un-lady like' at the moment.

"What does your cup say?" Fame turned to face me, sipping whatever drink she ordered. I looked down at it. "If rather not say." I told her. "Awe, why not?" Max asked, her grayish hair blowing in the wind. I shrugged, and picked up my phone.

I opened the contacts app and started to put in the large amount if numbers displayed under the name 'Violet'

I'm gonna say this again, I think I am really going to like this girl.

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