Post Mates ~Witney

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Willam's POV:

So like, Alaska dared me to go to IKEA since ever never been before. Its a stupid dare, I know. Blame the frizzy haired meatball who made me. I took my snazzy pink jeep all the way to the furniture store, where I saw a large king sized bed in the window.

I jumped out if my car, maybe I could get a good deal on some stuff if I you know, make a deal wink wink.

I walked into the store and skipped down the tiled floors, probably puncturing the ground with my six inch heels but, girl I SLAYED.

There was some very odd furniture, but I couldn't explain it because according to Bianca, "You don't read that well." So whatever I read was either mispronounced or I just can't read.

A blonde employee with a nice tan was sitting on a beanbag chair in the back of the store looking at her phone. OOOOH SHE MUST BE SKIPPING WORK!! "Hello." I said to the employee. "G'day?" OMFG SHE WAS AUSTRALIAN!  "Why are you not doing your work, Aussie?" I put my hands on my hips. "Please don't tell my manager!" She stood up from her seat. "I won't..." I rubbed my chin questionably. "If you help me find the best piece of furniture at this store.

She raised an eyebrow and shrugged. Don't gotta be so rude, Aussie!! "Come," I waved and walked forwards as if I was the superior. No saying that I am not, but like-

We ended up in the beds section, and obviously, you have to make sure it's soft enough. That's like, rule number one in bed buying laws or whatever.

I jumped on the bed and shouted to the Australian. "You know what this bed reminds me of?" "What?" She asked, crossing her arms. "A winner!" I yelled, getting on my legs. Still on the mattress, I shouted. "My bed is the best bed! MY BED IS THE BESSSTTT!" Waving some piece of random fabric that I found because like why not.

A girl with dark dreadlocks ran by holding a huge piece of fabric, speeding out the door. She signalled alarms, and the officers that worked around started chasing her. That toucan stole fabric!

Anyways, after that event, the Aussie turned to me. "Great! So that's the one?" She asked. "Uh, yes but first we must test it!" I held my pointer finger in the air. At least, I thought it was. Oh no it wasn't I stuck my middle finger up darn diddly dang it.

"We?" She asked, a step closer than where she was stood before. "Duh," she obviously didn't know rule number 2!

3rd Person POV:

Willam jumped off the bed, and told Courtney, the Australian employee, to sit on the bed and see if it was comfortable. "Uh, yeah I think it's good." Courtney, stated, wanting to get back on her phone. "No, no, no, NO!" Willam shouted, while Courtney tried to get off. "What?" Courtney asked, a confused expression plastered to her previously annoyed face.

"We must test it!" Willam shrieked at the employee. "How are we exactly going to do that?" She asked. "You obviously don't get anything. Let me show you." Willam said, matter of factly, scooting herself onto the bed. "Now, you can sit there, I guess." Willam told Courtney, referencing the spot she had already been in. " 'right." She replied.

Willam sat across Courtney, and a worker came in from behind them, but the employee said nothing, she took in the tea. "Look, now do this." Willam threw her six inch heels at the book shelf behind them. Courtney removed her knee high boots, and set them down by the bed. Willam then proceeded, taking off Courtney's IKEA vest. "Ayo, sis." A voice said behind the two girls. "Yooo!" Willam shouted, and Courtney just stared at the girl in shock. "Out, now." She said. "Wait, why?!?!" Willam pouted. "Sexual interactions with my bed, go." She said. Willam grabbed her heels, and walked away, mumbling loudly to herself.

Aja, the name of the worker who had appeared, and kicked Willam out walked over to Courtney and the two had a long discussion.

Willam walked over to her car, where a blonde was being taken photos of by a darker haired woman. "Uh, hello?" Willam asked the two. The blonde looked at her. "Hi! Is this your car?" She asked, and Willam nodded. "Pearl likes your car." The darker haired one said. "Shush, Vi!" 'Pearl' said, ushering 'Vi' and herself away.

Willam hopped in her car and texted Alaska.

Will I am: I'm bacc
Yours: how wasssss it??
Will I am: I'll let you guess. I am now not allowed in 17 Wal-Mart's, 14 targets, 34 dollar trees, some weird Japan place, and an IKEA.
Will I am: I can confirm there are.

Willam drove to her apartment, when she realized while listening to a random rap that came on the radio, that she was out if cheese puffs. She was already almost homes so she had to sign up for post mates, now. It was the only good option.

Willam eventually got a text message, saying that her post mate, 'Courtney' was on her way. She would finally have her cheese puffs.

When the door bell rang, Willam ran to the wooden door, and surely enough, the blonde IKEA employee appeared. "Your my post mate?" Willam asked, raising a brow. "Well, only since you got me fired from my last job." She responded. "But I do like your hair." Courtney smiled, attempting to start aa conversation. "Yeah, I like your accent, and cheese puffs, speaking of which..." Willam looked around Courtney's shoulders for her snack. "Yeah whatever." Courtney picked up the grocery bag from the cemented ground, and handed them to Willam.

"See you later then?" Courtney said, waving. Willam nodfed, and closed her door. She already planned on never shopping again.

A/N: So, this was a random comment conversation that I had with ThatAirforceFiancee in one of her books, they are amazing 1000000% recommend, and so we joked about it being a story, and here we are. So not all credit for this idea goes to me,and this will most likely have 3 or more parts, because, yeah. Well bye.

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