mágoa ~ Biadorney

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Dedicated to @rainbowsparkels33

Mágoa; (n.) a heartbreaking feeling that leaves long-lasting traces, visible in testers and facial expressions (MAH-goh-ah)

Adore had been living in an apartment alone for almost 5 months now. She still liked both Bianca and Courtney, and has isolated herself from them both since she admitted her feelings to Courtney. Bianca had been Adore's closest friend for years, and couldn't admit to her how she felt, even if she told Courtney.

Courtney went to her favorite vegan food place daily, hoping to run into Adore. She never told Adore she felt the same, but she did.

Bianca wasn't one for 'Fleming's and of course, her friends knew this. What they didn't know is that she didn't like talking about feelings because she didn't want to upset those of her friends.

Adore, Bianca, and Courtney all sound like a broken set of friends, and they look like it, too. Waiting and waiting to run into one another, but not taking the chance to go to the other's homes.

Courtney had enough of waiting. She called Adore, no answer. She called Bianca, yet again no answer. What was up with her friends? They never spoke to her any more, and without them, she felt lonesome. She walked out the door to her home, and attempted to track Adore on Snapchat, but she didn't have Snapmaps enabled. Courtney then checked Bianca, who luckily did. Then she headed to her place.

Courtney stood outside Bianca's door for 5 minutes, knocking every once in awhile. Bianca came to the door, a tv remote in her hand. "Hello." She said bluntly. "Hey, can I come in" Courtney asked, walking inside. She hadn't awaited an answer. "Well apparently." Bianca said, closing and locking her front door. She sat down her TV remote and turned to Courtney. "What do you want exactly?" "Uh, so I've been looking for Adore." Courtney took a seat on a barstool placed near Bianca's kitchen. "And?" She asked. "I can't find her. She told me that she loved me, I never told her I felt the same." Courtney grabbed a dorito from Bianca's bag of chips and placed it in her mouth. That's when Bianca's entire world came crashing down. Not only had her chances with Adore been ruined, but along with that chance went Courtney.

Bianca told Courtney that she should check Adore's house before talking to her about life's struggles, so that's what she did. Adore had moved out of her old house, and Courtney's unsuccessful trip brought her to Google. She searched and searched, trying to find where Adore would be, and a ling wholesaler, she came across an apartment building address. It wasn't that car, she had the ability to get there fairly soon, so that's where she headed. But Adore wasn't there.

Adore stood outside of Bianca's house. "Courtney, how many times do I have to tell you!" Bianca shouted from inside, her footsteps getting closer. "Oh. Why are you here?" She opened the door. "Uh, I need advice." Adore said, looking around the streets. "Ugh, fine." Bianca huffed, holding the door open for Adore to walk in.

"So uh... my friend... my friend uh..." Adore tried saying. "Your friend who?" Bianca sat on the couch across from Adore. "My friend A-Angel baby! Yeah." She exclaimed. "You sound unsure of her name." Bianca said, rolling her eyes. "Well, Angel baby had a crush on her friend, County, but she also likes Bonnie, and she thinks County likes Bonnie..." Adore trailed off, fumbling with her fingers.

Courtney knocked loudly on Bianca's door, pounding unnecessarily like a maniac. "Hi," this time, Bianca hadn't answered the door. It was Adore Delano. "Adore! I've been looking everywhere!" She exclaimed, pulling the girl into a hug. Adore hesitantly hugged back, and Bianca loudly cleared her throat. "Hello?" She asked the two. "Hi!" Courtney exclaimed, running to the kitchen, once again eating Bianca's chips. Bianca stood up and walked to where Adore was. "So I'm guessing this County is named Courtney?" She asked, leaning against the wall. "Yeah...." Adore looked at the ground. "Hey, don't worry. Its okay if your friend likes Courtney, but Courtney seems to have the hots for you." Bianca said, her tone changing to more of a melancholy one at the end. "Uh, about that... My 'friend's is me, and you may or may not be Bonnie?" Adore looked up from the ground to see her two ex best friends pulling her into a group hug. Ex best friends, but always lovers.

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