Party. ~Biadore

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3rd Person POV:

Adore had long dark hair, thick eyeliner and beautiful makeup. She had the voice of an angel, and an amazing laugh that tied up her personality in a large bow. She had gone to a school, much like any other, in California, before dropping out to become a singer. Bianca just moved from Louisiana and is now taking sewing classes in the school Adore had gone to. Do their personalities clash? I guess you'd have to ask Laganja.

It was the night of the first dance if the school year when Adore got a call from the principal, RuPual. Adore was thoroughly confused, seeing as she had dropped out, and thought she had deleted the school's number. None the less, she answered the call. "Hey," she spoke into the speaker. "Hello, as you know we are having a school dance tonight," Ru explained to the girl. "We were wondering if you would like to perform, seeing as you were once a student here." Adore was free, and she would most definitely be happy to see her old friends. "Party!" She almost shouted, in a loud voice. "Is that a yes or no?" Ru asked, and Adore chuckled to herself before responding. "Yes, it's a yes." "Perfect! We will need you around, 6, any time is fine, just tell Michelle when you arrive." Ru said, hanging up on Adore at the end of her sentence.

Bianca was in her room, being drug into the bathroom by her roommate, Courtney Act. Courtney wanted Bianca to join her at the dance, so that she had someone to talk to, but Bianca knew Courtney well enough to know that she would just get drunk and then leave her. Courtney had finally convinced Bianca after promising not to pester her if she went. Now the two girls only had thirty minutes to get ready, and be at the dance.

Courtney and Bianca rushed out if their room and down the stairs to get to the auditorium, where the dance was being held. The two arrived, and were quickly greeted by their friends. Laganja and her 'family' aka, group of friends who pretend to be related, were in the middle if the dance floor, looking like a hurricane just passed through. Bianca, of course, thought this was utterly ridiculous, and refused to join her friends on the dance floor, scared that she would end up looking like that mess.

The music played in the back, tons of albums and it songs by students and past students that came to this performing and arts school. Some included songs from Trixie Mattel, Jinkx Monsoon, Manila Luzon, and Alaska+ her group of ffriends consisting if Willam and Courtney. They called themselves the 'AAA' girls, and wrote music together.

Dela had ended up dancing with Shangela, Courtney talking to Willam, Alaska and Sharon drinking fruit punch, and Jinkx trying to flirt with Ivy. Bianca was sitting in a chair near the stage that was being unused. She had pulled out a sketch book and began to design a dress, which is what she did when she was bored. She also read every girl who walked near her, or someone who looked easy to read.

The music stopped for a moment, and Michelle Visage walked into the stage. She held a microphone and stood center stage. "We got a performer just for you guys tonight!" She chirped, but had a disgusted face, she obviously didn't like this performer, who in fact was Adore Delano.

Adore oranges onto the stage, smiling, and grabbed the microphone from Michelle. She introduced herself, her long black to green gradient hair bouoncing as she spoke. Adore wore a black skirt and a leather jacket. She stood where Michelle had been, and began to sing as the music started playing. She was singing two songs, in which she called Stay and I can't love you. When Adore had finished, Michelle walked on stage and ripped the microphone from her hands. The dim lights stayed down, as Michelle began to speak. She had attempted to dress code Adore twice, but both times, Adore responded with, "Party, but I don't attend school here." Adore's preppy additive defiantly had something that Michelle disliked, but she didn't like most things, so Adore seemed to be fine with it.

Bianca stood from her seat to go get something to drink. When she got to the concession stands, Laganja stood in front of her, making a loud commotion. "YES GAWD!" She shouted when the server had asked her if she would like ice in her drink. Bianca stood, her arms crossed, and she kept silently reading the annoying female blocking her way. "We don't have green punch, but we have red and blue." The woman serving Laganja had said sweetly. Laganja frowned, and pointed to the blue. "I guess I'll just take that, mama." She said. The woman nodded and handed Laganja her drink.

Once Bianca had received a glass, she walked back to the other side of the large room, however she was stopped. She turned around, and her eyes met with those of the performer that had just been on stage. "Hi." She said to Bianca. "Uh, why are you talking to me?" Bianca responded in a harsh tone, and she couldn't help but feel bad for Adore when she noticed her taken aback expression. She never felt bad for anyone. "Sorry, I just thought that you didn't seem like the judge-y type, everyone else always judges me based on my music." Adore rubbed her arm, and looked back  at Bianca , who responded with, "Oh, you have no idea how much I judge people, but mostly it's Laganja." " 'Ganja?" Adore asked. "Yeah, Laganja Estranja. Why?" Bianca responded. "I thought she would be dropped out by now. She was always upset about me 'overshadowing her' or something." Adore shrugged, and Bianca looked at the large clock on the wall. "Bye, I have to go." She said, starting to walk away. "Wait." Adore grabbed her arm. "I didn't catch your name," she stated. "I didn't throw it." And with that, Bianca was off.

Since then, Adore has traveled from city to city, out of the country and about any place you could think. She wrote more and more music, released more albums. She met hundreds upon thousands if people, but none compared to Bianca, whom she didn't know she would meet again on her 3rd tour in New York in a week.

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