Cafe ~ Part 2 (Pearlet)

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Violet's POV:

I sat at my desk attempting a design for my sewing class, when I received a text. I picked up my phone to view the message, and I noticed it was from that barista. She must have just gotten off her shift since she just now texted me back.

I totally abandoned my work and messaged her back.

Violet💜 : Hi, is this Pearl?

Pearl🍐: Yes. You must be Violet because I didn't give my number to any random swines.

Violet💜: Wow making me feel so special. 😑

Pearl🍐: Ik hru

Violet💜: Ok other than sewing hw

Pearl🍐: hw?

Violet💜: Homework.

Pearl🍐: oh. Wanna hang out 2 night

Violet💜: when

Pearl🍐: idk it's Friday so like 9 ig

Violet💜: K where

Pearl🍐: I'll meet you at the park we meet at

Violet💜: okay I'll be there

Violet💜: Wait meet?

Pearl🍐: Yesh Meet

Violet💜: you meant met?

Pearl🍐: Yesh bai

I sighed and looked back at my work. I mean, I know my work is great, but I don't have any inspiration to design a whole outfit. I beat my pencil against my desk and sat there looking at nothing while trying to come up with a look idea. I may be beautiful, but beauty takes time and effort! ...which may be why Sasha Belle has none... hmmm...

So for sewing class my look was going okay, I guess. The theme if the week for our designs is Hello Kitty, so you now understand my troubles. I had an idea, and it was a choice, I mean a carousel type thing around my head is what I came up with. Hopefully, it was a good choice. I needed to ace this class.

I finished my design, at least the parts I could while at home, and decided to get ready for my... could I call it a date? We barely knew each other. Well, I guess I will, why not? It was 6:30, so I had time, well enough time hopefully. Yes, I knew it was two hours and thirty minutes, but once again, beauty takes time, and I'm the prettiest!

After I wasted an hour and a half removing my makeup and re-doing it to match my new outfit I had previously picked out, I attempted doing my hair. I don't even know why I'm putting this much effort into hanging out with a new friend, I mean, she was really... physically appealing... I don't know how to say that without admitting things I'm going to regret telling someone- oh wait this is my own mind. What is life?

I eventually decided to just let my hair be normal and walked out the door.

I forgot my jacket.


Well, my choices were get my coat and be late, or be cold. I went with be cold. I mean, Ginger tells me I'm cold all the time, so what's the difference!

I walked to the park, seeing as it was so close to my house, and with the cold breeze of the afternoon, froze on the way. Not literally, only Ginger's heart can do that.

I ran into Pearl, like she sent me flying to the ground. She held out her hand for me to grab, and apologized. "Oh my! I'm so so so sorry!" She said so more than Ginger days Girl. Sorry, can't help that I'm 'Shady'.

"It's fine. Where are we going?" I asked her, and she turned away from me, and not gonna lie, that kind of made me upset. She looked at the cafe that the both of us had been at earlier. "I told my mom we could go to my place if that's fine. She's the one over there, working a shift." Pearl pointed to a woman with her blonde hair. "Ah, let's go then!" I shivered as the grabbed my hand and smiled.

Pearl noticed me shivering, and like any cliche movie, she offered her jacket, which I didn't want to take because,

1. Too cliche

2. She's going to freeze

Despite me requests, she put it on me, and I was kind of rude and glared at her... but hey, she smiled, and I smiled back in the end. She walked up to a white convertible and pulled out keys, unlocking the car. She opened the passenger's seat, allowing me to get in. I thanked her, and she got in the driver's seat.

We drove in mostly silence, other than a playlist she had hooked up to her car from blue tooth. When we stopped outside of a house, I decided to ask about the playlist, because I haven't heard most of the songs ever.  "Oh, I kind of made them I guess? You see, I really want to be either a DJ or a professional sleeper when I grow up." She laughed a bit at the end, and I had a break down, I was rolling on the floor laughing basically.

Eventually, I stopped laughing and we walked into her house. She put down her keys and took off her shoes, I didn't want to be rude, so I wasn't going to take my shoes unless she requested I do.

"Okay, I guess I'll start a movie?" Pearl asked, walking to the living room, me following closely behind. "Sure." I shrugged, and sat down on the couch with her. She opened Netflix and started scrolling through different movies under 'Popular'.

We ended up watching a movie about a teacher, and from what I could understand, he was a drag queen and taught a load of kids. Honestly, I wasn't paying attention. Though I do see a future with a lot more... me, I see mine with a lot more Pearl.

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