Robot ~Jivy

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Jinkx had developed a very large crush on her friend Ivy over a short period of time, and only expected it to get bigger as days past. Though the two were very close, Jinkx couldn't help but feel... a little left out by her at times, she always would want to do something, and of course, Jinkx wanted to join her most of the time, even if she was bad at it, but she never actually asked Ivy to join, which may sound a but stupid towards her side, but she was too scared, plus, she felt like Ivy would decline and didn't want to face rejection.

Jinkx did have a pretty good friendship with Detox who was a rookie 'inventor'. And of course, Jinkx feeling left out from Ivy going shopping with Alaska, she went to visit her. Jinkx saw the many forms of failed robots piled in Detox's home. She reached Detox's 'work room' and saw her friend working on yet another chartreuse colored machine.

"What are you making?" Jinkx asked, sweetly, smiling at her friend's creation in the process. "Eh. I'm attempting." Detox replied, casually rolling her eyes before flipping her brightly colored hair (which was slightly more green than the robot) out of her eyes. "Why are you visiting?" Detox removed her attention from her creation to face Jinkx. "I just kinda miss Ivy, you know? She's been... spending a lot of time with Alaska lately..." Jinkx yawned and looked at her friend. "Looks like Jinkxy here is experiencing jealousy." Detox mumbled and then laughed to herself. "I am not jealous!" Jinkx defended, before falling asleep randomly, and awkwardly falling into a pile of green wigs and shoes.

Alaska's POV:

"I'm not a therapist." I told Ivy as she sat down across from me, grabbing my tea kettle to pour herself a drink. She glared at me and then took a sip of the black tea. "We, this needs some more sugar." She spit it out in my table, and me being the dramatic puppet I am, gasped. "You best be cleaning that up if you want sugar." I warned, standing up to grab my sugar bowl. "Hey, I never said you had to actually invite Jinkx." She chuckled then covered her mouth.

"Oh. So thou actually do return her feelings." I set the sugar bowl in front if her, and she just responded with, "uhhhh..." I rolled my eyes. "Of course it was Jinkx that you've been telling me about, I mean who else would it have been?!?" I laughed before smiling at her. "I'll make you a deal," I placed my hand on the table as a signal for her to shake it when I finished speaking. "I'll ask Sharon out if and only if you agree to ask out Jinkx a double date." She sighed. "Deal." We shook hands.

Jinkx's POV:

I rubbed my head and realized I had a yellowish heel stuck to my necklace. "What the-" I mumbled, being stopped by none other than Detox. "You fell asleep again, didn't wanna move you. Hope you don't mind." She had welding goggles on in what appeared to be a highlighter shade if yellow. She light a torch, and... it scared me a little. "Woah! Sorry!" She shouted when I fell backwards, once again landing in her pile if wigs. There was a knock at the door, and since I was a good friend, I got up to get it.

"Hi." A girl in sequins from head to toe and long, LONG hair said as soon as I opened it.

"Hey Roxxxy." I opened the door wider so that she could walk through. "Hey!!" She shouted and awkwardly started... dancing? Detox glared at her. "Hello, Roxxxy." She placed what ever it was that she was working in down and looked at Roxxxy. "Who are you?" Roxxxy asked, sarcastically. "Eyes on the chalk board." Detox answered, Cooley before getting back to work. Sure enough, on the board it said "D E T O" And seemed as if she misspelled her own name. "Hold up," Roxxxy placed a hand in front if her face. "X?" Detox asked looking at the board. Roxxxy nodded. "I ran out if green chalk." She shrugged.

"Use yellow? Or white? Or basically any color." Roxxxy said. "Yeah but then it won't be green." Detox answered, and I decided to step in. "Plus, it would appear that there is a odd emphasis on the 'X' in her name." Roxxxy looked at me for a bit before answering "when did you get all smart?" I shrugged, and Detox spoke up. "Uh, Roxxxy? I think you were supposed to meet Alaska and Ivy at the bus stop five minutes ago. If you don't hurry they will probably leave you there." "Oh yeah. Right." Roxxxy grabbed a bag of gem stones from Detox's desk and ran.

"Well then." She mumbled, smiling to herself. "Hey, do you mind if I adopt a robot?" I asked. Yes, it was random. Yes, I sounded weird. Yes, I just wanted to have something to do. Plus, I really want to be a mother some day and it would be good practice! "Sure, why not. Just come get me or call if anything malfunctions. Go grab one from the shelf, I guess." "Score!" I ran over to a white shelf and grabbed the only robot that wasn't green. It was a nice pinkish red, almost a rose gold, but not. "Bye!!" I shouted, running out the door with my new child. That felt so good to say. I love kids.

My eyes widened when I stood up from the couch in my house. I FELL ASLEEP AGAIN. I couldn't see the robot and I began to frantically search the house. "Water of a ducks back, water off a ducks back.... WATER A DUCKS BACK!!" I mumbled, slowly getting louder as I realized I couldn't see the robot. Then the front door closed, and my initial reaction had been to... yeah to scream.

I grabbed my phone from the near by kitchen counter and began to dial Detox, but an electrical current must have traveled through the device, because I for shocked and my hand stung like a million needles that Adore tried to stuff into one piece of fabric. I clutched my arm in pain and moved quickly to the back door, which was also locked. The robot appeared on the floor inches away from my feet. It couldn't speak however, I knew it's intentions were not good. I ran to the nearest window and began to pound on the glass, but the robot came into the room locking me in.

I started yelling at this point, and it slowly moved closer to me. I was terrified. I headed distant laughing, and I recognized as my friend's, Ivy. "IVY!! HELP ME!!" I yelled through the glass, hoping she heard.

I clutched my head and looked up at Ivy who's face was inches from mine. "You fell asleep at Detox's she called me to pick you up." She smiled. It was only a dream. I hugged her, and she pulled away to my dismay... hey that kinda rhymed! I'm a lyrical genius! "Uh, so I've been meaning to as me you... Want to go out? On like a date... with Alaska and Sharon?" She blushed, which if course only made her cuter.

"Is this another dream?" I asked, and she slowly shook her head, I don't think she understood if that was good or bad. "...because if so, I never want to wake up."

And then...

Then I kissed her.

And she kissed back.

My life was complete.

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