Unsuspecting Victims.~Shalaska

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3rd Person POV:
It was the night of the murder mystery. Everyone had a role, in which they must fulfill. No one knew who was who, for they were not aloud to tell. You only know that someone is innocent when they wind up dead.

Latrice, Detox, Roxxxy, Alaska, Sharon, Phi Phi, Jiggly, Willam, Chad, Jinkx, Tatianna,  Alyssa, Coco, and Ivy were all seated at the long dinner table.  Lattice was laughing along with Jiggly, Chad, and Phi Phi. Willam, Alaska, Detox, Roxxxy, and Sharon were chatting, Alyssa and Coco arguing about some pointless thing, such as cheese cubes, and Jinkx was mingling with Ivy, seeing as the two had seats together.

After the meal, the queens departed from each other. Jinkx followed Ivy, her hand sketching to the other's with fear. Jinkx had suspected something eerie about the building in which no one could leave until the game was over.

Willam skipped frantically around the building, shouting at every insect or spider she could see. No one joined her shenanigans. Perfect victim for the murderer. Willam hadn't expected to die that night, but when all inhabitants of the home heard her loud, painful, screams, they knew the murder had claimed it's first victim.

Everyone wandered around the home, trying to survive. The murder only wins if they kill everyone. It's sad that once you get your role, you can't do anything about it. Its tragic that the murderer has no choice. Some grim factor if the home forced the unknown killer to kill those in sight.

Latrice was found dead, in the bathroom, her blood spilling out. People were quick to blame Jiggly, seeing as she had been the one nearest to the room. Alyssa blamed Coco, and Phi Phi blamed everyone at the scene. But none were right.

"Where's Sharon?" Alaska asked, dear spilling from her lips. Everyone looked around, and she hadn't shown up, at all. She must have been the next victim. Alaska now felt tears fall from her eyes, as Detox and Roxxxy pulled her into a tight group hug. There was pity in the air, and silence other than the low and terrible sobs and tears flooding Alaska's face, and drenching the shirts of her friends.

Chad was found floating in the pool outside. She must have tried to escape, the tall, rigged fences keeping her out. The murderer must have found her, as well. Sharon's body still missing, Coco in the boiler room, lifeless, and Tatianna with a large hole where her heart should be. Why would someone do this? Tati had a small note in her hand, she  had solved the mystery, but was also killed. The note had one sentence, and it hadn't been much of a help. It read: Be careful, 'cause honey what you see, it isn't always the truth.

Roxxxy, Phi Phi, and Alyssa were all found dead. Detox was the 'sheriff' and had shot the wrong person, with her one bullet. If the murder found them now, they were doomed. Jinkx grabbed Ivy, and Ivy he's Jinkx close. Then a loud scream sounded from right by them. Detox crumbled to the ground, clenching her chest, but no murderer appeared. Whoever it was, they had good aim, and killed her from afar.

Ivy took off running, she stumbled down the stairs and tried pulling open the locked doors. She screamed, signaling the next death. Alaska and Jinkx held hands, walking together along the dark, spooky corridor of the used to be unused home. Alaska pulled Jinkx's arm towards the library to try to hide, but Jinkx pulled away. She didn't think it was a good hiding spot, and headed else where. After hearing a loud shrieking noise, Alaska knew she was the last one.

Alaska held herself close, and hurried her head in her knees, releasing more tears than she ever thought she could have in her entire life. Then she heard the door open. Sharon walked in, and Alaska was more than ecstatic. She dried her eyes, and ran towards her lost friend, hugging her as if she was about to go, and never return. The sad thing was, that she probably will.

"I thought you were gone," she hurried her face in Sharon's neck. She didn't get a response, but was glad for the return of her.

Sharon held the knife over Alaska's back with both hands, shaking in fear. Her brain wanted to push it in, but her heart pulled the knife up, and away from the organism she loved. "I love you," Alaska whispered, and the loud clink if metal sounded around the room, as Sharon dripped the knife, and wrapped her arms around the girl, eyes wide.

Alaska turned to the ground, facing the metal object, her eyes, once again, welling with tears. "You- you-" she couldn't speak, and the liquid coming from her eyes drowned out her words. Sharon looked down, ashamed of herself, even though she couldn't help it, she was forced. Sharon began to walk away, and heard a quiet sentence release from Alaska's lips. "Where are you going?" Sharon stood still awhile, not giving any response. "I can't live with myself," She whispered, opening the door and walking out.

To this day, Sharon visits the home, trying to find out how she managed to be forced into killing her closest friends. Alaska still visits Sharon's home, looking for her, but she doesn't understand that Sharon doesn't go home any more, instead, she sits on the porch of the old large home, looking at the sky.

"I love you," is all she played in her head. Why didn't she say it back? She thought if those three words in Alaska's voice so much, that one day, while looking at the midnight sky, she thought she heard it, and she did. Alaska came running towards her missing liver, and the two stayed together, forever.

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