Magnetic ~Sashea

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My Dear Shea,

It has come to my senses that you have attracted my finest pleasures, and given me my will to proceed in life, allowing me to live. I write to you, my dearest friend, to explain to you the fine arts of mind, and my deepest thoughts of feelings in the form of words.
You have attracted me in some energy, a magnetic force pulling me towards you.
I have no regret of my love for you, my dear, but what I do regret is the disheartening need for you with me.
I need you by my side, yet I've ruined all chances I've had.
Like magnet, both attracted, but when facing opposite directions, we can't be near one another.
Though I want to come and visit, it is too hard to say, that I need you and want you, but I've grown that chance away.
A magnetic force put us together, the same force pulled your loving touch away.
I'm honored to have been in your life, and am not eased by the thought of losing you to some nonexistent angel.
Save me my love, from the treacherous depths of reality, free me from the dark. You always were my essence, my soul, my life, my heart.
I love you now, and I can't explain the past, but I do know that our future is not much more to last.
No note like this could ever explain the feeling you gave to me, and with all due respect, my lovely, I gift this emotion to you.
Trust is not free, love is not easy, but you changed that for me, everything felt as I was free.
Now, I know you have no longer, there us nothing left to say, other than I love you today, and I did as well, yesterday.
My burning feeling of emotion, alongside you as well, is now placed in my heart forever, please, love me well.
You're in a better place, my heart not yet so, take me through the sensation of love as you used to do.
Goodbye for now, but not farewell, I know that on the other side, you are waiting, and will continue to. I hope I'm not long, I can't live another second without you.
My love, please remember, that through any given moment, I will always love you.

    Your lost lover, Sasha Velour

Sasha lowered herself into the ground of the dark graveyard, as she placed the soggy, tear stained note written on papyrus next to the large stone.

"Don't wait long, my love. I will arrive soon. And once I do, I will give you what past me couldn't give to you."

           In loving memory, Shea Coulee

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