Acquiesce ~Crackquaria

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3rd Person POV:

Dedicated to JeffreeMattel

It's hard to accept something that you'd never want to believe. It's hard to believe something that never actually happened. It's hard to know something happened ic you weren't there. Aquaria had just mokved from Italy, France, New York, and was now headed to California, where she would be attending her 3rd high school. Her mother, Sharon Needles, had applied for a job there, yet she didn't tell Aquaria what job it was.

Miz Brianna Cracker had lived in New York most if her life, but has been going to this High School since she left middle. She had a couple friends, none if which had exactly satisfied her. She loved her friends, she really did, but she wanted more than a friendship. She wanted love, and none if her friends could give her that.

Just along the coast line, at the shore if the beach, Aquaria stood looking at the peaceful water. Her long platinum hair blew in the borderless wind as she watched slow waves tumble over top if each other. No one was at the beach, which was upsetting, it was such a beautiful sight, but most pretty things are slept on. Most aren't even noticed.

Brianna walked down the empty and abandoned board walk, a small bag in hand. She wasn't here for anything in specific, she was here to be there. When life got her down, she would go to where she felt safe, and that had been the beach. Everything about it was so homey to her. From the salty feel, to the warm breeze, everything was perfect.

Aquaria had been at the water for longer than she thought. Her mother would have been worried, if she hadn't told her where she had been. Aquaria began to walk away from the shore, she had a big day tomorrow. She wasn't exited to go to school, but first impressions were close to everything to her.

Miz's POV:

I was heading home, I had school tomorrow, and Biden would definitely make fun of me if I looked tiered. I stopped by the one place with someone there, the smoothie shop. I ordered whatever the pink one was, played, and exited with my good. The night was more peaceful then terrifying, if you really think about it. I looked longingly at the stars placed beautiful along the darkness of the atmosphere. I breathed out, smiling.

I felt something tug at the back of my shoe, then I was sent tumbling to the ground. "Oh my- I'm so sorry!" A girl about my age stood up from her position on the ground and held out a hand for me. "It's fine," I reassured the girl, accepting the hand she had reached out for me to take. "Are you sure?" She looked at me, and I looked at her. She was beautiful. "Y-yeah..." I whispered, I had no idea why I sounded so nervous. Get it together Bri!

"I'm Aquaria, by the way." The girl told me, as we walked alongside each other on the board walk. That's a nice name. I smiled, and told her mine. "My name is Mix Brianna Cracker," I looked at her, but she didn't look back. She continued to face forwards. "Call me whatever." She nodded, and turned to face me. "Kay, Bri, see you later?" She asked me. "Yeah..." I felt myself blushing. I've never felt this before, I don't know what to do. "What school do you go to, by the way?" She asked me, yet another question. "Rupaul Charles, down the street." I responded, pointing in the general direction if the school building. "Me too," she said. "See you there I guess." Then she was gone.

           The next day

I was at my locker, conversing with my friends, Kameron and Blair, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hi." I turned around to see Aquaria. "Hey!" I exclaimed, pulling her into a hug. She sadly, declined the hug by pulling away. "Going to introduce us?" Kameron commented, laughing to herself. "This is Aquaria! I met her last night." I explained to my friends. The bell rang, and Aquaria headed to a class down the hall, which I assumed was math. Kameron followed behind her, they must have had the same homeroom. Blair and I walked to our English.

"She's pretty," Blair commented, when we arrived at the door. I knew she was mocking me. "Shut up." I mumbled, pulling open the classroom door. We both took our seats, and waited for the lesson to end.

I walked down the hall, my 2nd bell about to begin. I stopped at my locker and put in the combination. When I pulled it open, a small note fell out.

Meet me under the bleachers after school?

I think the answer was obvious, seeing as two years later, today, we were hand in hand at the beach, on our two year anniversary.

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