Happy New Years ~Trixya

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Dedicated to @JeffreeMattel (guess who's back back back again)

Trixie's POV:

I had gone to this boarding school for almost two years now. At midnight it would mark two years. You see, my roommate, Katya Zamolodchicova, has been here for almost 1 year. I've had a crush on her since she transferred from Russia... She still doesn't know, at least, I hope it's not that obvious. I had a list of New Years resolutions, and of course, every year I had to complete one. At the beginning of it was: -Kiss Katya? followed by: Wear no makeup for a day. We all knew the obvious answer was the first one, though I was very nervous, and didn't know how she felt about me. I guess I would find out in... Oh I don't know the time, unhhh... 5 hours. I had 5 hours. I HAD 1 HOUR TO GET READY FOR PEARL'S PARTY!

I rushed into the bathroom and tossed makeup across my face. No time for an actual 'look' today. I quickly speed walked over to my dresser and began to grab clothing randomly. I had ended up in a yellow and pink dress with a poofy, flowy skirt hemmed to it. I rushed to the door, threw on my yellow and pink boots (not cow boy boots, I'm a woman. I do what I want.) and walked out the door, making sure to close and lock it.

I moved down the hall, swiftly, trying to make my way to Pearl's dorm. She didn't share with anyone, so it was basically the perfect place for a party to be held among friends. I knocked on the door, hearing music play from the crack at the bottom. Max opened the door, beaming, and moved so that I could walk in. I smiled back at her, and headed over to Pearl, who was Dj-ing at her own party.

"Hey!" I shouted at her over the music. She didn't hear me, so I tapped her shoulder. "Hi," She responded, in her usual, tiered tone, removing her headphones. "I think I'm going to do it..." I whispered to her, placing a hand over my lips. Her expression became more awake, before responding. "NO way! You're actually going ask her out?" Pearl asked, as if she didn't believe me. She was the only one who I had told about my crush. I nodded, and after receiving a smile from her, walked to the drinks in the kitchen area.

From afar, I could see Katya entering the room. She had a baby hand stuck in her hair, I couldn't quite tell if it was an accidental accessory, or her version of 'Hot Couture' (Buy on I-tunes today!) but whatever it was, she seemed happy. Violet set down her phone on Pearl's DJ table, and walked towards the TV. I assume Pearl had asked her to turn something on. Proving me correct, she casually grabbed the remote and began to play the Ball Drop, which still had a long way to go. I had almost 4 hours to gain confidence. Yay.

I was just sitting at a table with a pink drink, not from Starbucks, sadly, scrolling through my DMs on different social medias. I had like 30 new ones from a group chat consisting of Pearl, Violet, Fame, Max, myself, and Katya. I didn't understand why they were texting. All of us were in the same room. I also didn't understand how Pearl was at her DJ table, and texting, but like, that girl is secretly skilled. Katya wasn't messaging the chat, and from what I could see, she didn't appear in the room at all.

Katya's POV:

Ever been a Russian locked in a bathroom at a party because you're scared to talk to your crush when she's basically the good girl of the school, and you get in trouble everyday, usually for dress code? Yeah, that's me, Katya. This entire situation was too much to handle, and I let the beauty of this girl eat away at my heart for an entire year. I won't let it last another, but my mind tells me I should, I should to resist heart break.

I walked up to the mirror in Pearl's bathroom to fix my makeup, which would take awhile, due to the dark eye shadow I always wear, along with mascara, running down my face in the form of dark tears. I've never felt this way about someone. That's why I knew I had to tell her.

2 hours. I spent 2 hours in the bathroom. Now I had 1 hour to talk to Trixie. Great. I was going to die.

I exited the bathroom, and was quickly bombarded by a drunk Miss. Fame. "OH MY KATYAAAA!" She exclaimed. "UNHhhhh... hey!" I said to her. "I GOOGLED WHAT YOUR NAME, MEANS IN RUSSIAN!" She shouted over the loud tunes of Pearl's remixes. "Oh?" I asked her, I didn't choose my name, let's see how this plays out. "YES! IT MEANS 'PURE FEMININE THANKS!' " She shouted at me, and I swear spit came flying at my face. "That's...lovely, uh, why would you search my name exactly?" I wiped my face, which could very well not have spit on it, but whatever. She shrugged, ran away, and tackled Max into a hug. I smiled, wishing I could do that to Trixie, without being questioned.

I heard loud, obnoxious, counting, somehow louder than Pearl's blasting music. I turned to the television, and noticed that my friends had been counting down for the ball to drop.




I felt something, no someone, pull me into a hug.


Whoever it was, she placed her lips on mine, and I saw a large hay stack of blonde hair.


I kissed back. Who knows, it may be a good choice. She pulled away.

"I love you, Katya." Trixie.

I pulled her back in, and it's safe to say our friends had noticed.

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