Roses are Red ~Trixya

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sup @violetliaison you're back again

It was only yesterday that Katya's mother had died in a terrible accident. She just now found out today. Katya stood in front of her mother's grave, silently sobbing to herself. I picked her head up, and looked around the area, seeing a near rose bush. Walking over, the sky became lighter, the sun started to rise. Katya grabbed a rose, slightly pricking her finger with it. She walked back over to the grave and placed it down.

Katya walked down the outskirts of town, when she saw another rose bush. She looked around, and walked towards it. There was something different about these flowers. They were fresh, and nicely taken care of, where as the others were dark and welting. Katya reached forwards, attempting to pick yet another flower, but was stopped. Someone behind her had cleared their throat, and Katya quickly turned around to face them.

Katya's eyes met with those of a woman's, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and lots of makeup. "What are you doing?" She asked, raising one of her blonde eyebrows. "I-I- Uh," Katya looked down. "I was going to get a flower for my mother." The woman nodded. "You do know these are mine, right?" She asked. Katya moved her head, in a motion saying she did not. "Oh, I'm Trixie." The blonde said, reaching her hand out, which Katya shook. "Uh, my name is really long, but you can just call me Katya."

Since the roses had belonged to Trixie, she had offered to help Katya take them to her mother. "You really don't have to," Katya really wanted to spend the extra time with this Trixie, but how was she going to explain to her that her mother was dead? "No, I insist." Trickery out a large smile, that Katya couldn't say no to. "Fine, but a long walk." She shrugged. Now she had to find a way to tell Trixie the real reason why she had attempted getting s rose.

Trixie and Katya had been walking in silence for s couple if minutes, before Trixie tried to break it. "So... are you like Russian?" She turned to face Katya, who nodded. "Why?" "Oh, just wondering," Trixie looked forwards. "And I like your accent." Katya was blushing at this point, and she had no idea why. Did she like this Trixie girl?

Katya and Trixie drew closer to the cemetery, and Katya know she would have to say something soon. Katya slowed down, hoping Trixie would, too, and looked frantically around the area. They were almost there, and Trixie had no clue that Katya's mom was dead. Trixie stopped walking, and fumbled with the rose in her hand. "You okay?" She asked Katya, who slowly nodded in response. "Hey, I haven't known you for a long time, but I can tell something's wrong. What's going on?" Trixie asked, looking down at the older, yet shorter girl. "Unhhhh..." Katya tried to think of what to say, then she decided that she would tell the truth. She was going to have to sometime soon, anyways. "My mom..." Katya looked at the ground, her voice getting smaller. "She's- She's dead." Katya looked up, tears threatening to escape her eyes and tumble to the floor. Trixie pulled her into a warm hug, and even though they barely knew each other, she felt safe.

"I'm so sorry!" Trixie repeated prying Katya's short, banged hair. "Its not your fault, don't be." Katya mumbled, hugging Trixie back now. They just stood there for awhile, then Trixie pulled away,and looked lovingly at Katya. She took the rose in her hand, and handed to her. "Please," she said. "Give it to your mom, she deserves it more than anyone, for making someone as beautiful as you." Then she began to walk away.

Katya ran down to Trixie, and pulled her arm back so that they were facing each other. Katya placed the rose behind Trixie's ear, and smiled at her. Trixie was confused, but smiled back. "You deserve it," She said. "For making my life better."

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