To steal a heart~Biadore

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3rd Person POV:

Adore played with her empty bag of chips for awhile, trying for the near 10,000 time to get Bianca's attention. It was almost never that that girl noticed Adore liked her, but every time 'Ganja made a mistake she noticed. As Bianca got up and left the workroom, Adore sighed and leaned back in her chair. She wondered why Bianca wasn't working on the runway outfit, but then again, she spent 20 minutes messing with an empty chip back.

Adore leaned backwards in her chair so far that it began to tip over, and eventually fell with a large thud. "Ow..." She mumbled, picking herself up and rubbing her head. "Nice one, Delano," a voice said from behind her. She turned around while attempting to place her chair where it had been before toppling over, however, it felt like Milk's runways- it wouldn't get back up. "I would've thought Darienne  fell with all that noise." Adore couldn't help but smile. Yes it was a mean joke, but it was Bianca's, what else would she have done. It took no less than 0.5 seconds for Darienne to intrude on the moment, though.

Darienne coughed twice, being more overdramatic than usual. Dela rolled her eyes at the elephant Queen's "sassiness" and crossed her arms awaiting the grand reveal of her comeback. Bianca raised an eyebrow as the queen approached, however, she didn't make it to the other side of the room. About half way to where Bianca stood, Adrienne tripped on Courtney's rainbow fish plate thing, and tell with a booming noise. "What'd I say, Delano?" Bianca said in response, as Adrienne picked her self up and walking away. Adore couldn't help but fall, leaving Bianca with something she didn't think to end up with in the competition, a large smile on her "clowny" face.

Courtney looked at her design for the runway, but couldn't help but feel somewhat... Distracted. She turned to the person closest to her at the time, who just so happened to be the talented BenDelaCreme. Courtney tapped her on the shoulder and gave an award winning smile before Dela had the time to respond. "So is there a reason your trying to talk yo me with your brows glued down and half a sketch if a dress in your hands?" Dela asked, trying to hold in a laugh. "Yes, and your the one with a wig cap and part of your makeup done." Courtney shot back, earning what she hoped was a playful glare from Dela. "Touché." Dela remarked, letting out a quiet laugh as she looked in her mirror. "Anyways..." Courtney begin, beating her eye shadow brush against the table as she spoke. "Do you think Bianca has somewhat of a soft side for Adore?" Courtney had kept her voice so low that Dela almost had to ask her to repeat her words. "Why do you ask?" Dela responded, reaching out for her highlighter. "People keep bringing it up." She shrugged, attempting to glue a pair of false lashes to her face. "I mean, its not unlikely," Dela told the blonde, looking back at Adore in half-drag. "Its not unlikely." She repeated, causing Courtney to look in the direction of the "nail polish remover" herself.

All was pretty much silent until Adore hit her head spontaneously against the table she sat at. "You good?" Courtney called, trying not to mess up her stitching in her gown's design. "No, not at all." Adore said, though it was barely audible, you could tell the queen was about to cry. Dela was about to walk over there,but was stopped by Courtney when Bianca made her way over. "You best not mess up my ship," Courtney whispered to Dela, which they both started giggling quite loudly, leaving a confused Darienne in the corner. "Adore-" Bianca said, trying to help Adore with her outfit, but the queen wasn't having it. "I can't do this!" She shouted, banging her head on the table once more. "Not with that attitude," Adrienne huffed. "Not now Adrienne, can't you see she's actually upset?" Dela told her, pointing towards the distressed girl, earning nothing but an eye roll. "C'mon Adore, I'm trying to help," Bianca said, tapping Adore's shoulder in attempt to make her remove her head from the table, but all she got was a huge fit of laughter. "What's so funny?" Bianca questioned, crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow. "Its just- you sound like Ganja-" Adore could barely speak without laughing. Bianca gave what somehow looked like a soft smile, and ran out of the room. "What'd I do?" Adore turned to the other three queens, who only shrugged.

It wasn't long until Bianca ran back into the room, shouting, "C'mon season six, I got ELIMINATED!" And doing a sorta-deathdrop. Let's just say, no one was able to stop laughing for awhile.

"Hey, B?" Adore asked before walking on stage. Bianca hummed in response, watching Dela walk the runway. "Guess what?" Adore poked Bianca in the shoulder several times, until finally getting a sigh and response. "What?" Adore pointed to herself proudly. "I am the greatest theif in the world!" She proclaimed, earning a chuckle from the older queen. "Oh, really?" "Yup," Adore popped her p while talking. "I stole your heart with out you even noticing!" Adore took off and ran down the hall laughing  after finishing her sentence. "Why you little-" and then Bianca got called on stage, but didn't leave without giving Adore the "we'll talk about this later" look.

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