2 | First Day

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Chocolate is nature's way of making up for Monday.


"I hate chocolate."

"Shh, there are sensitive ears here that might get damaged because of your stupidity." Miley scolded as she covered Lina's ears, who herself looked like a child who just realized that Santa isn't real.

I sharply gasped and put my hand on my chest. "You shall die in the deepest pits of hell, along with the rest of chocolate haters," I cried, then as an after though added; "Wait, not even Satan would let someone like you enter hell."

Jake rolled his eyes at our drastic response, before turning to the cashier, a young man in his early twenties.

One look at the cashier of Starbucks told us that he wanted to be anywhere but here, not that I blamed him.

Listening to a bunch of teenagers fighting over donut flavors, not once but a gazillion times a day would make anyone want to commit suicide.

"Can I have your order now?" He asked, in a monotone voice. He could seriously put a zombie to shame, and no, I was not exaggerating.

Before Jake could open his mouth, I pushed him out of the way. His body, much larger than mine, stumbled back into the arms of Miley and Lina who stopped him on place.

"Yes please. Two large double chocolate chip Frappuccino, one medium pumpkin spice tea and one large iced cafe latte with four chocolate glazing donuts," I ordered. "Please," I finished with a big innocent smile.

"NO, don't pack the donuts," Jake screeched dramatically, but all four of us ignored him.

"That'd be $14.82," Rolland the cashier told us. I opened Jake's wallet which Miley had skillfully taken out from his pocket and gave Rolland a twenty dollar bill.

"Keep the change," Miley winked at him from behind me, and then released Jake, flipping her black wavy hair back just as I threw Jake his wallet back.

A baffled look made residence on his face as he caught the wallet, while Lina and I covered our mouth to muffle the laughter that threaten to come out any moment.

"When did you take this out?" Jake questioned as he followed Miley out while Lina and I picked our order and hurried behind them.

I had known Jacob Ericson aka Jake since the day he was born. Miley Davis had come into our lives when she had saved us from bullies back in elementary school while we all met Lina Presley in the last year of middle school when she had moved there.

Cool morning air brushed across my face as I left the building.

While the two continued to bicker, Lina turned towards me, a small smile on her face, her brown eyes twinkling with mirth. "So how does it feel? Being brother free?" She asked.

Both Sky and Arden had left last weekend and I can now do whatever I wanted to without looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was looking.

Sure Heath was in the same city but he lived in an apartment on the other side of the city because it was closer to work.

My lips stretched so far away that they actually ached. "I feel like the king of the world," I opened my arms wide which suddenly caused my fist to knock down the person walking next to me.

I sheepishly grinned and mumbled a sorry before quickly rushing over to the Jeep.

I slid in the passenger seat and Lina took her place in the back with Miley. "What took you so long?" Jake complained as he revived the engine but we just ignored him.

"First day of senior year, a step closer to college," Miley exclaimed as she came in between the center console.

"A step closer to soccer captain," Jake added, grinning like the idiot he was. His brown eyes glittered with similar excitement.

Lina pushed Miley slightly as she came in view and rested her elbow on the shoulder of my seat. "A step closer to nationals."

I closed my eyes as I leaned my head back. "A step closer to being 18," I smiled as I opened my eyes and tilted my head to see the others grinning as well.

We raised our Styrofoam cups as a toast and drank.

This was how it always was since the start of high school. Miley, Jake, Lina and I along with Arden and his best friends Calvin and Thea would come to Starbucks on our first day of school, get a drink from Starbucks and then raise a toast.

It wasn't the same without Arden, but I had a feeling I'd survive this year without him.


What do you think about Faith's friends?
My favourite is Miley. She reminds me of my own best friend in many ways.

Hope you liked this chapter.
Next chapter is more interesting though. ;)

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