8 | Obstacles

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There's no fun in life without obstacles.


Ditching class would've definitely felt badass.

But I wasn't skipping.

Nope. I was just kind enough to volunteer to get papers that Mrs. Denver needed from the office.

So yeah, that's the closest I've ever been to ditching.

Still felt good to be out of Mrs. Denver's class. I don't think I could take anymore maths.

Walking in the office, I wasn't surprised to see Roman and his friends in the waiting area that was attached to the main office and principal's office.

"Winter," I acknowledged mockingly with grinned, making them all turn my way.


My smirk stretched even more. "Finally figured my name out, huh?"

He said nothing though the ugly scowl on his pretty face was enough to know he was annoyed.

"Must have irked you; not knowing who I was?" I teased and the smirk on Declan's face answered my question.

"And you kidding me?" Declan exclaimed throwing his arm around Astrid's shoulder, who had her lips twisted up as well.

"Everyone's talking about how Arden Morris's only sister saved Roman. He was bound to find out."

I laughed at that. It's been over a two weeks since school started and people were still talking about it. "It was rather sweet of me wasn't it?" I mused and Roman glared at me.

"You hit me with a car," he pointed out to contradict my words and I shrugged.

Gabriel crossed his arms at this. "Why did you hit him with a car?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

I opened my mouth for a smart answer and then closed it when nothing came to mind. "He came out of nowhere," I pouted.

"We stood there for a good two minutes," Astrid interjected.

I crossed my arms and glared at them as they teamed up against me. "Well you could've moved," I muttered.

"Oh I'm sorry we didn't know there was a psycho on lose, hitting people with her car," Roman taunted as he stretched against his seat.

I scowled at him. "What is your problem?"

Roman scoffed. "Girls like you who think they own the world," he spat.

"Maybe if guys like you were a little nicer, girls like us would be more inclined towards you than the world," I retorted with a roll of my eyes.

This however caused Roman to smirk. "Girls love me."

"Your bank balance actually but sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," I jibed.

Roman's smirk only stretched at this. "They help me sleep quite nicely."

"You're disgusting," I said wrinkling my nose in disgust.

"And yet you find ways to be near me," he mused looking at me smugly and I smiled at him sarcastically.

"Now that, I bet helps you sleep at night quite nicely."

The other three stared between the two of us and while Roman glowered at me, I tried to remember why I was in the office in the first place.

Which prompted another question in my mind. "Wait, why are you guys here?" I asked Declan because I knew he would tell me.

He only shrugged. "The principal wanted to talk," he stated and I stared at them all suspiciously.

Though I didn't get time to say anything because Miss Lane, the lady at the main office stepped into the waiting room, with a stack of papers in her hand.

She looked at Roman and his friends and then ignored them as her eyes fell on me.

"Oh Faith. Mrs Denver called. Here are the papers she wanted," she said, handing me the papers and I smiled at her.

"Thank you Miss Lane. Have a good day," I chirped and she smiled back. "You too dear."

As she left for her office, I turned to band of friends and with a wink to Declan and a mock wave to Roman, I walked out of room.

And then cursed.

Because I left the devil and fell into the traps of maths. And I didn't know which one was worse.


Do you like Maths?
Because I do. 😂

Curious about why the principal wanted to see Roman and his friends?
Find out in the next chapter.

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Have a nice weekend. :")

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