39 | Can I get a Break?

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Feel free to point out any mistakes. I'll appreciate it.
I'll fix them after I complete the book.


A lot had happened in the past six days since Jake apologized.

Starting with Miley, who was not talking to me or Jake at the moment. I understood her reasons for being mad, I truly did, but she needed to understand mine as well.

Life was too short for me to stay mad at Jake. He was, and will always be my best friend, like she is. No one forced him to come back - he did it on his own, and at the end of day, isn't that what we're told love really is?

To let go, and if it truly is meant to be, it'll come back?

But Miley didn't see it like that. Thankfully, Lina did. The poor girl was stuck between choosing to side with her upset girlfriend and us, which is why she understood the dilemma Jake had went through.

Though, she was delegating it far better than Jake did as she was working on sorting it out with Miley.

Astrid was another story. She hasn't been in contact with Jake since the day he came over to talk and I haven't seen her around school either, despite it being a Thursday.

Jake didn't want to talk about it. He said healing our friendship is more important because it's still hanging by the thread and that I shouldn't be guilty.

It was their choice to make, and they'll stand by it.

Deep down, a small part of me was over the moon that Jake chose to come back, so I wasn't complaining.

And I knew Miley would come around as well.

So maybe life could go back to the way it was, before the whole mess started.

I was with Jake, having lunch by the soccer ground, when he decided to drop the bomb.

It had started out as a random conversation and then suddenly Jake leaned back against the bleacher.

"So," he drawled. "Your dad's back in town."

I froze, not knowing how to process it all. I blinked and then blinked again and Jake sighed.

"I'm guessing you didn't know."

I sighed and then shook my head, having lost my appetite. Pursing my lips, I weakily said, "He wasn't home."

Jake shrugged. "Ma said he got back this morning."

"Oh," I breathed out, and while Jake was quick to change the topic, my mind was stuck.

Why was he back? What was I suppose to do about it? And most important of all, why can't I catch a break from all these problems?


"I won't allow this!"

I don't know why I was surprised when I heard Heath's voice boom through the house as I entered the threshold.

I had seen dad and Heath's car in the driveway, so I should be expecting as much.

"My house-" a voice dangerously said and my blood froze. "-my rules. You don't get a say."

I would've walked up to my room silently if Heath hadn't said what he did next.

"You can't just bring a guy into the house when Faith is living here!"

I froze in my spot because that was a very messed up combination of words, that sent my heart into a cardiac arrest.

What guy?
And why?

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