9 | French

122 5 3

A man who knows two languages is worth two men.
- French proverb


"Les légume"

I probably looked like I was constipated, but in all honestly, I wasn't.

I had recently discovered that French was not my piece of cake. I was absolutely horrible at it.

No offense, Mrs. Amoré was an amazing teacher. I was just a generally dumb person.

I came upon this realisation as I stared at the words written on the board.

'Vegetables are good for health.'

We had to translate it and for the past five minutes I had been flipping through the pages of the book to find the right words but I just end up getting lost between words.

And Mrs Amoré could see that, yet she refused to help.

Her logic was that if she helped once, we'd expect her to do it again and will never learn on our own.

Well newsflash: if I wanted to learn on my own, I wouldn't have joined this class in the first place.

Why did I join this class in the first place?

I was too busy having an internal debate that I didn't notice the infamous bad boy come into the class fifteen minutes late until Mrs Amoré called him out.

"Oh Mr Winter. How nice of you to finally join us after two weeks." I looked up and held back a groan as Roman looked at the teacher with an evil eye.

He ignored the guys who were looking between him and our teacher and the girls who had their eyes on him like he was a piece of meat.

He finally looked away from the teacher as she went back to previewing her book as she sat on her desk. He survived the class, his eyes stopped at me and then just beside me.

I followed his line of sight and cursed my luck because the only available seat was next to me.

He started walking over to me but he hadn't completely reached the chair when I threw my bag on the chair.

"You have got to be kidding me," Roman scowled my way but I just sweetly smiled at him.

"Sorry. Chair's taken. Find somewhere else to sit," I tired to shoo him away, but Mrs Amoré took the exact moment to interrupt.

"Mr Winter, why are you still standing?" Roman moved slightly so she could see my bag and Mrs Amoré raised an eyebrow. "Miss Morris, remove your bag so Mr Winter could sit."

I pouted and removed my bag just as Roman came forward and slumped on the chair.

Mrs Amoré got up and leaned against the front of her desk. "Now Mr Winter we're just on the basics so it'll be easy for you to catch on."

"But why don't you tell us what the translation of the sentence on the board will be?" She pointed at the words that were slowly becoming the bane of my existence.

Roman looked at the words lazily. Mrs Amoré looked at Roman and added "You may use the boo-"

"Les légumes sont bons pour la santé," Roman spelled out and the girl beside me drooled while I only stared at him in envy.

Why does he have to be good at all the things that I'm bad at?

Mrs Amoré looked impressed. "Good. Very good. I take you're familiar with the language then?" When Roman nodded, she clapped her hands in excitement.

"Excellent. Can you be kind enough to help Miss Morris since she's clearly struggling?"

Silence reigned the class as everyone waited for Roman's reaction, kindly ignoring my offended look.

"No." My head turned to Roman so fast that's it's a miracle that I didn't have whiplash.

I was about to agree with him about not wanting his help when he added, "Struggling brats aren't my specialty."

"I am not a brat," I blurted out without a second thought and Roman finally looked my way.

He muttered something under his breath and I narrowed my eyes. "What?" I called out. "What did you just say under your breath?"

Roman rolled his eyes. "I didn't say anything. Maybe you should get your ears checked."

"Maybe you should get your brain checked," I snapped back and I could feel the eyes of my classmates widening.

Roman shrugged. "Mine works perfectly well." He then looked my way with a smug look. "But unused brains such as your's should be taken care of. They worth a lot in the black market."

I was about to retort when the bell rang, signalling the end of the class.

"Okay class," Mrs Amoré clapped her hands a little more enthusiastically than normal, preferably glad the class was over before things escalated. "That's enough for today. See you on Tuesday."

People started piling out, ready to go home and I was quick on my feet but Roman took his pleasure time in collecting his things.

And seeing him appear so calm bothered me. I took out my water bottle and uncapped it. "Oh and Roman," I smiled sweetly at him and he narrowed his eyes.

But before he could say anything, I empty the content of the bottle over his head and dashed out of the room before he could even register what had happened.

I didn't stop till I was next to my car and didn't even wait for my friends as I put the car into motion and drove away.

The other three can find their way back home because saving myself from the devil was more important.

I'd think about the consequences tomorrow because today I was too elated to care.


Do you think Faith did the right thing or is she really dumb?

What would you have done if you were in her place?

In other news, university started today and I'm so freaking tired. 😪
But I'll try my best to have the updates on time.

Wait to see how Roman will take his revenge.
Until then lovelies. :")

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