Chapter 1

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She looked at the slide being presented on the board with disdain. Besides the fact that today's weather is gloomy and cold, her mood is undeniably gloomy too. She keeps pursing her lips in annoyance. The guy with the suit reporting in front drags the meeting longer than what she had wanted it to be.

She kept her cool though, her arms are folded in front of her chest. Her eyes keeps flicking to the large windows to her right taking note of the gray sky above.

"Ms. Kim," she was interrupted by her secretary.

"Yes Alex?" she impatiently asked her secretary who has been typing records and points of the meeting.

"Mr. Drei has an emergency meeting with you. He's in your office right now," he pushed his glasses up his nose bridge.

Her head started pounding again. Mr. Drei never really wanted to have a decent business meeting with her, he just wants to hit on her. True that he has all the wealth every CEO wants but he just can't seem to keep his dick inside his pants.

Her secretary must've sense her agitation so he filled her in more with information.

"It's about the partnership you have been wanting with his overseas supplier in Russia ms. Kim," he stated.

Of course that got her attention immediately. She wanted to close a deal with Mr. Drei's partner overseas and she knew that he's the only way to close that deal.

"Tell him I'm on my way," she commanded her secretary and looked in front. He's still going on with the report he started 15 minutes ago.

Her lazy eyes scanned the whole board room and can clearly see that all her board members are not listening, some are even dozing off.

"Is this your bedroom to sleep?" her voice echoed through the speakers in the room.

They all sat up straight in shock, even the one reporting in front stopped.

"Mr. Lim, can you stop vomiting words in front that aren't even essential in this meeting?" she sneered.

"I apologize ma'am," he immediately bowed to her.

"Just send those files to all the board members here. Meeting adjourned," with that, she stood up and walked out the door. Her heels clicking on the floor. Her secretary followed her behind carrying all her things.

Once she was out the board room, all men that were present inside released a breath of relief. They were obviously scared of her. Of course she knew that. Being a female CEO of a big company in Seoul, she needs to be strict and tough when it comes to dealing with her men. She doesn't want to look helpless in front of them. Sure she's powerful, rich, intelligent and covetable but she's not really that satisfied with all her success.

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