Chapter 35

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"Honey, it's your wedding day. Why are you scowling?" Heiran's mom asks her.

She knew exactly what's wrong yet she keeps a blind eye because of it.

"Mother! I told you, I don't like this. Please," Heiran begs.

Her mother's eyes softens at her daughter's discomfort but she wouldn't dare go against her husband. Not when his image is on the line.

"Just do it for your father? Please darling, you're a strong girl. If only I have a way to get you out of this, I'll do it in an instant," she comforts Heiran.

"Then just run away with me then," she bravely suggests making her mom stop.

"We can't leave your father here," the woman speaks breaking Heiran's heart more.

Now she knows that no one is on her side. No one's here to rescue her. Namjoon is abroad and Yoongi and Hoseok couldn't do a thing either.

She looks away and holds the bouquet in her hand tightly. Her grip tightens and tightens as her mom walks her out of the room and into the venue of the wedding.

"Now, keep a smiling face darling. This will be over and you'll never even notice it's done," her mom speaks confidently.

Heiran's knees are shaking. She couldn't forget Seokjin's words from last night and it's hurting her even more. She straightens herself up and willed herself to keep her tears at bay. Then the double doors opens and there she saw Seokjin by the end of the aisle smiling as if he like what's happening.

He can't fool her though. She can see the hate in his eyes, she can see anger behind those lips and her heart starts to beat louder and faster. Her journey to the end of the aisle was so slow. It's as if it's elongating before her eyes.

Their fathers' smiles were the only thing from keeping them both in place where reality is. Seokjin reaches for her hand and she smiles fakely at him. Jin can also see it, he can see how she's controlling herself. How finally, she has reached her final form.

A perfect doll.

She cannot speak for herself, her actions are controlled, her smile is forced and once he touches her hand, he swore he felt her hand tremble so bad that he worries for a fleeting second. He looks into her beautiful face and gets warry once he saw her eyes twitch, her lips quiver and how watery her orbs are.

He knew right then and there that she's faking it. He knew she wasn't the one who set this up. He was just too stubborn to admit it and he knows he's just looking for someone to blame it into. Someone who he can easily command and here she is.

Perfectly decked out for him and he hates it. He hates that it has to be Heiran.

He hates it that it has to be his first love.


"No!" Heiran screeches as she jolts upright.

Beads of sweat covers her face and her panting alarms Namjoon who wakes up immediately in shock.

"Baby, are you okay?" Namjoon reaches for Heiran who's starting to tremble.

"It's okay, I'm here. Baby I'm here," Namjoon strokes her hair gently as she starts to panic.

Heiran's eyes starts to water and her heartbeat is starting to pick up.

"He just kissed me," her voice cracked and shake.

Namjoon can feel it. He can feel her now shaking body. He knew she had yet another dream of Seokjin kissing her.

"It was just a dream Heiran. It's going to be fine," Namjoon cups her face and touches her forehead with his.

Slowly, Heiran calms down and her grip on Namjoons shirt loosens. Her shaking stops and she finally rests her weight on him.

He kisses her forehead, her nose, her tear-stained cheeks and her lips.

Heiran closes her eyes and totally revels at Namjoon's comforting touches.

"I'm here baby," Namjoon finally pecks her lips one last time before hugging her.

Heiran hugs him back equally as tight and Namjoon guides her back to sleep.

Heiran has been like this for their first year together when they were away. She would always have panic attacks and would go on therapies to help her anxiety. Namjoon was always there for her and through their journey, Heiran finds herself falling for Namjoon.

He slowly helps her become okay and this si the only time she has that dream again. Namjoon knew seeing Seokjin in the ball might trigger her anxiety but he never anticipated it'd be this soon.

His anger for Seokjin only magnifies as he sees how Heiran is right now. If only he was there to help her runaway during her wedding day. If only he was brave enough that time, she wouldn't have been suffering this much up until now.

He continues to stroke her hair until she falls asleep. Namjoon kisses the top of her head and sighs.

"I love you," he whispers to her.


"Kookie!!!!" Minjae runs to Jungkook as she jumps in his arms.

Jungkook chuckles at her and kisses her instantly once she settles in his arms. He effortlessly carries her weight and walks them both to the balcony.

Good thing Jimin is on his taping today so they got his whole oenthouse to themselves.

"I've missed you!" Minjae hugs him tightly.

"I've missed you to angel," he hugs her back.

"How have you been? Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook?" he asks her simultaneously.

Minjae only nods and lets Jungkook do what he just said he'll do. She just came from ger world tour and Jungkook said she needs to come straight to his home after her flight home and take her break there. Minjae and Jungkook finally got their heads straight and started working in their relationship. And everytging turned out well.

"How was the tour?" Jungkook asks her.

"Tiring but fulfilling. Jungkook, don't you miss going on tour?" she suddenly asks him.

"I do but I love my job now angel. I find it challenging but hey, atleast I get to save uo for our child's srudies right?" he winked at her.

"Yah! Stop talking as if you're a normal guy Kookie. You're practically the boss of ny boss's boss of his boss' boss," she playfully rolls her eyes.

"Your point exactly?" Jungkook asks her.

She just chuckles heartily and throws him a pillow from the sofa.

"Cocky bastard!" she laughs.

"Hurry up with my food BOSS!" she jokes making Jungkook chuckle at her silliness.

"I will ma'am," he nods.

"Start stripping now or I won't feed you," he challenges making both of them turned on.

Minjae only winks at him as she starts to strip just as Jungkook wants.

"I want to feed you naked," he husks out making Minjae heat up.



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