Chapter 50

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It has been years since we both got together like this. Her hand caressing my face reminds me of how she delicately loved me and loves me up to this day. Those years we've been apart were the worst but it taught me one thing, cherishing. I always thought she'd never leave, I always thought she'd always stay and not say a word. I thought she'd never get tired of me because I knew, she loves me.

All those years she was away made me step back and check on myself, it was too late that time but I still hope I could make a change. Seeing her with Namjoon at the ball that night was like a stab directly at my heart. She was happy, carefree and most especially, loved. Namjoon loved her, he loved her so much that it only reminded me of how uncapable I am.

Heiran was happy with him, she was Namjoon's everything. Yuki was Namjoon's everything and Namjoon made sure I felt every pain he could inflict on me. I was jealous, who wouldn't be? He was there instead of me.

Heiran stops kissing me but still holda my face. "Hey, you're distracted," worry is evident in her eyes. "Are you okay?" she asks.

I stare straight into her eyes and held both her hands.

"Are you really okay with this?" I ask, feeling guilty over everything again.

Heiran sighs and smiles gently.

"Ofcourse baby, everything is fine about this. Just because you did those in the past doesn't mean that's you today."

There, she said it. All my tears I've held back for so long comes rushing down my cheeks and I can feel a sob errupting from my constricted throat. All she had to do was so those words and here I am, crying like a vhild in her arms.

"Why? I don't deserve this," I ask in between sobs while she pepper my lips with soft kisses.

"We can't just hide away our feelings can we?" she asks understandingly and that's when I knew she really is and will always be the love of my life.

"I love you so much Heiran," I declare with tear-stained cheeks a bloodshot eyes.

Her smile widens and my chest almost caves in.

"You're beautiful," I whisper and kisses her again.

"I love you too, you know that," she says it back and it sounded like heaven.

She heard me apologize everyday and I know she's tired of hearing it so today, I plan on changing that. I help her stand up and fix her hair myself.

"Heiran, my life," I start with a shaky breath.

She looks at me questioningly.

"Will you marry me again?" I ask while I offer her a new diamond ring that she deserves.

Her eyes lights up and smiles up at me.

"Ofcourse!" she squeals and let's me slide the ring. She jumps at me with a happy smile and tears in her eyes.

"I will continue to change for you, only then will I know that I am deserving of your love," I smile and kisses her lips eagerly.


"What happened next mummy?" the boy with curious eyes looks up at Heiran.

"Well, they had two beautiful sons. They now live in a big castle with their family," Heiran answers.

"Is their two sons like us?"  the other boy asks.

"Are they twins too?" the other asks in excitement.

"Well, who knows," Heiran shrugs.

"Mum, why was it entitled Hidden?" Yuki asks from the chair. "You've been telling me that same story when I was little, I never got the chance to ask why,"

Heiran smiles at her children.

"Well, it's because the king and the queen hid their real feelings towards each other giving them only pain in their hearts. Hiding anything isn't good, while you still live say everything your heart yearns. You shouldn't regret the things you did but  rather the things you didn't do,"


Heiran smiles as she enters their room. She eyes her husband sitting on his chair, glasses perch on the bridge of his nose and he's wearing his favorites pajamas.

"I thought we agreed on no working at home?" Heiran asks Jin aa she saunters to him.

Jin takes off his glasses ans turna to her with a smile on his face. He apread his legs wider to give Heiran space to sit. She takes her usual spot on her husband's lap and kisses his cheek. Jin hums and kisses her cheek back.

"I was just looking for a place where we could travel to with the kids, I was thinking Philippines," Jin suggests.

"That would be fun," Heiran noda in agreement while running her fingers through his hair.

"So, how was it?" Jin asks pertaining to the story telling.

"They loved it," Heiran smiles fondly.

"Did they love the king?" Jin asks hopeful.

Heiran shrugs childishly and giggles.

"Ofcourse they did," Heiran laughs making Jin laugh too.

"I know they will," he plays cool.

"They'll always love their king, as much as the queen loves him," Heiran kisses Jin on the lips.

Jin takes control and lifts her up his torso while deepening the kiss. They part for air and Jin smiles.

"But the king loves the queen even more," he winks and lands his lips back on hers.

End of Hidden


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