Chapter 27

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The rain has been relentless since this morning. Everyone in Jungkook's office stayed inside the building instead of eating out since the rain won't let them. Thus, the whole company cafeteria is filled with both employees, staff and their talents.

Jimin ushers his manager beside him while he carries two trays on his hand with ease. He just stopped by to give Jungkook his vitamins when the rain decided to pour like crazy resulting in him eating in the cafeteria with all his staff.

"Thank you," his manager smiled up at him.

Jeongyeon pushed the doors to the busy cafeteria and searched for her companions. She is still under Jungkook's talent agency. Heiran gave her the option to transfer to another talent agency but she declined saying that their divorce has nothing to do with her loyalty to them.

"Jeongyeon! Over here!" one of her co-actress is waiving her hand catching some of the other staff's attention.

She waved back and walked to where their table is. Once she settled herself, she heard a very familiar laugh. She looked around and spotted Jimin sitting just beside their table. He's hysterically stomping his feet on the floor while he holds a spoon, clutching his stomach.

"Are you sure there's nothing going on between you and Park Jimin?" Tzuyu asked her.

Jeongyeon whipped her head to her direction and scowled.

"How many times have we had this conversation Tzuyu? I told you, nothing is happening between us,"

Tzuyu shrugged and continued eating.

"Just reconfirming. You know, by the way you smile fondly at him while he's laughing like that makes me question things again," she slyly said.

"Yah!" Jeongyeon protested but then halted when she felt hot breath in her neck.

Her body stiffened and just by the scent she's smelling confirms who he is.

"Hi Tzuyu," Jimin husked out making Jeongyeon stop breathing.

"Give her a break Jimin, can't you see she can't breath?" Tzuyu pointed at Jeongyeon with her spoon making her blush beet red.

"Good," he whispered in a low voice, teasing her even further.

"And I, oop!" Tzuyu bursted into a fit of laughter and soon enough, Jimin joined her.

Their laugh makes Jeongyeon angry so she stood up and glared at the both of them.

"Yah yah! Calm down will you?" Tzuyu pulled her hand down to make her sit again while she dries her fake tears.

"Why are you so hot headed?"Jimin poked her cheek.

"One more touch Park Jimin and you'll regret even stepping into this building," Jeongyeon threatened but it won't work on Jimin, it will never work.

"Try me," he wiggles his brows, playfully poking her sides even more.

Since Jeongyeon is ticklish, she can't stop herself from giggling and soon, she's thrown into a fit of laughter.

"Stop! Fine! Fine! You win, asshole," she pushes Jimin away but Jimin has his hand clutched on Jeongyeon's sides making them both fall off the bench.

"Oof," Tzuyu narrows her eyes at them and starts taking pictures.

"Fansites would die for these photos," she mutters to herself and smiles evilly.

The crowd suddenly goes quiet when Jungkook entered the cafteria, Minjae with him. Their hands are linked and Tzuyu can't stop herself from taking pictures of them.

"Yah!" Jeongyeon whisper-yelled at her friend and tried to stop her from taking photos.

Jimim sat on the floor and smiled fondly at what he's seeing.

"Finally, they don't need to hide anymore," he muttered under his breath but Jeongyeon heard everything.

"Hide what?" she asked Jimin who's still seated on the floor like a child.

Jimin looked up to her and took the chance to pull her down. Everyone was busy oggling at his brother so he took the chance to do what he alwats wanted to do.

"What—" Jeongyeon's protest was cut off when Jimin's lips landed on hers.

Her eyes were wide in shock and before she could even react more, Jimin placed her back on her feet and exited the cafeteria. She's left there standing while she lightly touches her lips.

"What the actual," she can't comprehend what just happened.

"Are you okay?" Tzuyu asked her as she tugs on her sleeve.

Jeongyeon looks at her and nods.

"Yeah, yeah," she answered her but her mind is still boggled.


"Why were you late?" Jisoo asked Jin immediately once he switched on their room's light.

He thought she wasn't home so he entered the house without any excuse in his mind.

"I had a lot of work to do," he nonchalantly said his excuse.

He was actually from their old home and dozed off in Heiran's bed. He has been doing this for over a week now and it's driving him nuts already.

"Really?" Jisoo raises her brows and stood up to walk to his direction.

"You know Jin, I've been observing you for quite some time now. You've changed," she accused.

Jin kept his lips shut and decides to not say a word since he already knew where this conversation is going.

"Not thos bullshit again Jisoo," his brows furrows while he pulls his necktie to untie it and walks to theor closet.

Jisoo follows h behind ready to nag at him nonstop until maybe he says somethings he she knows exactly what to say.

"It's Heiran right?" she quirks her brow up and folded her arms accross her chest.

Jin stopped his movements at the mention of her name. He contemplates whether to react or not.

"Silence means yes Jin. I knew she's the reason for all this," Jisoo gestures to all of Jin.

"For fuck's sake Jin! She's already pregnant with someone else's baby! Will you just stop?!" she yelled.

Jin turned to her with furry in his eyes.

"Will you for once stop acting as if we don't know her? You know she wouldn't sleep around behind my back. I know that child is mine,"

Jisoo just scoffs and rolls her eyes away.

"Your child huh?! Your fucking child Seokjin?! How would you know the child is yours when she won't even tell you?"

"BecauseI fucking did this Jisoo! And I regret everything!" Jin gave up and just bursted.

Jisoo clumped her mouth shut at Jin's revelation of his feeling and was shocked thay he actually said that. She thought he would never say he regrets things but she was wrong.

"What?" her voice came out shaky and barely audible.

Jin turned around and pulled his white sweat shirt, pulled up his sweat pants and left Jisoo standing in their closet's doorway.

Jin continued walking out the house and in no time, he's behind his stiring wheel. He has no one to spill his frustrations into so he hit the stirring wheel hard and tried to calm himself down.

"I need to know the truth," he muttered to himself and drove off without him noticing that he's already crying.


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