Chapter 39

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The sun is up, today is a good day. Jin stares lovingly at Yuki while Heiran sits beside her. He couldn't be happier and his heart is so full he could barely contain it.

"Yuki, mommy has something to say yes?" Heiran starts.

Yuki nods and waits patiently.

"Ajhussi," she motions to Jin. "You see, he's you real daddy,"

Once those words rolled out of Heiran's tongue, Jin's heart stops beating. He thought Heiran would say it in a subtle way to not startle the child but she did the exact opposite. He only stares at the two of them as he begins to panic but then Yuki smiled.

"He is?" she asks Heiran as she looks up at Jin.

Jin looks down at her and smiles, forgetting about the worry that's bugging his head.

"Aren't you upset?" Jin asks surprising Heiran.

"Why?" Yuki asks Jin.

Now, Jin is the one confused.

"Because I your real dad," there, he said it finally.

Yuki shakes her head.

"I'm happy to meet my real dad but you see, I have daddy Namjoon at home. He's waiting for me and mommy. He loves me and mommy," Yuki says in the most innocent way possible.

That was like a punch to his gut. This is the best way to hurt him and Namjoon did it intentionally.

"You told her that you're not her real father?" Heiran asks Namjoon in disbelief.

Namjoon calms her down.

"I did Heiran, but I didn't tell her who he is. This way, Yuki won't hate Jin," Namjoon explains. "This way, she won't be confused," he continues.

Ofcourse it would make sense for Heiran. Yes it did please her and put her at ease. Little did she know, Namjoon did it on purpose so Yuli would reject him subtly. To a child it would be just an innocent rejection but to Jin, he would be broken hearted once Namjoon gets everything laid out.

Now Jin looks at Yuki with a broken heart. Yes she might already know he's her real father but to Yuki, it won't change a thing. Namjoon is still her father for her. Jin lets his head hang low, he inhales a sharp breath and composes himself.

"Ajhussi?" Yuki seeks for his attention which he gave right away.

"Are you okay?" Yuki asks in alarm but Jin only shakes his head.

"So, you wanna try some of the rides?" he instead diverts her question and is already carrying Yuki in his arms.

Heiran felt it. She saw the devastation in Jin's eyes. She nevee thought Yuki would react this way. But she can feel how Jin is hurting right now.

How she wish she could read his mind right now.


"Thay was so fun!" Yuki exclaims as she jumps up and down beside Jin who's holding a large stuffed animal. Heiran following close. She also has a smile on her face and even though Jin smiles throughout that 4 hours they've been together, she knows how Jin is good at pretending.

Jim crouches down to Yuki as he kisses her forehead.

"Can we go out like this again?" Jin asks Yuki.

The girl instantly looks up at Heiran to ask for permission which she gave instantly. Heiran nods and smiles at her.

"Yes papa," she says and hugs him tight.

Jin's throat starts to constrict as he tries his best not to cry.

This time, Namjoon is waiting at the exit of the amusement park ready to pick them up. He waits patiently and only trusted in his plan which he succeeded.

He spots the three of them exiting the park and when Yuki sees Namjoon, she instantly lets go of Jin's hand and runs fast towards Namjoon.

"Daddy!!!!!" the little girl squeals and jumps up into his arms, immediately wrapping her short arms to his nexk and snuggling close.

This reassured Namjoon that he succeeded and when he sees Jin's eyes looled somewhere else, he knew it really did.

Jin can only watch as they both walk to where Namjoon is. He's still holding it all in. Jin gives a nod to Namjoon and Heiran.

"I should get going," he says as he hands Heiran the stuffed animal.

"Bye papa, let's go out again soon," Yuki smiles and waves her small hand to him.

Jin smiles and waves back. They all entered their cars as they drive their separate ways.

After Jin curves on the nearby corner, his phone starts to ring. It's an unknown number.

"Good evening, Mr. Kim speaking," he answers.

"Pull up Jin, I'm coming," Heiran speaks.

Jin immediately steps on the break and pulls up.

"Heiran?" he asks.

"Yes it's me," she answers back.

"What—" Jin was cut off when Heiran opens the passenger's door.

"Drive," she says as she buckles her seatbelt.

Jin only stares at her in disbelief.

"Yah! Kim Seokjin!" she yells making Jin jolts slightly in surprise.

He pulls on the road again and drives to wherever. The car ride was silent and Jin doesn't exactly know where they're going so he parks the car on the beach in a rural area. He cuts off the engine and sighs loudly.

"Are you okay?"



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