Chapter 21

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Heiran doesn't understand it, she doesn't understand a thing. She looks up her schedule and doesn't see any slot that can conflict with Jin. So why is she not seeing Jin more often like how they used to?

Mirae has sent Jin's schedule and it confuses her even more. For three days, Jin has been going home very late and goes out of the house very early. Heiran tried to wait for him last night but Jin complained and told her that they should just sleep for now and that he's tired.

He promises Heiran that they'll soon eat outside but now, he said he's really busy.

"Busy with what?" Heiran muttered to herself while she scans through her schedule for the nth time.

She stands up in frustration and decides to go to his office.

He hasn't been messaging her too and hasn't been fetching in her office like before. That alone makes her worried. She thinks she did something that offended him.

When she arrived there, the higher positions of Jin's company greeted her knowing that she is his wife. She walks pass the halls and into Jin's office. Before she could enter, Mirae stood up and greeted her.

"Ms. Kim, he's not here," she bowed.

"What? What do you mean he's not here? He went out early this morning," Heiran asked Jin's secretary.

"He cancelled all his meetings," Mirae looked away.

Heiran just nodded and was about to leave but Mirae calls out to her.

"Ms. Kim, I-I think I know where he is," she hesitantly said.

Heiran's heart started to pound and it seems like she already know where her husband is.

Mirae handed her the address that was written on a sticky note. Jin told her to send food in that address and when she looked up to where it is, it shocked her.

Alex is waiting in the lounge room when Heiran appeared. Her eyes are red from keeping her tears at bay.

She handed him the sticky note.

"Find that address," she said in a quiet voice and went ahead.

After quite some time, Heiran stands in the lobby of the condominium. Her heart pounds so fast. She's silently praying that this is not what she think it is.

Her breathing becomes ragged, her hand clutches the hem of her nude blazer and her knees are trembling.

"Stay here Alex,"

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