Chapter 36

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"Tell me Namjoon, is she really okay?" Yoongi asks once Heiran has left with Yuki to go on their day.

Namjoon folds his arms over his chest and leans further into Yoongi's sofa. He seems to be at lost for answer and knowing him, he'll actually try to lie. But Yoongi raises his brow at him, knowing all to well that he'll axactly lie to him and try to cover things uo just as Heiran told him to.

"Don't even try to lie to me Namjoon. I know you, I know her. You both can lie to everyone but to my eyes and Hoseok's, you know you can't,"

Namjoon sighs in defeat and slouches more on his spot. He just knew he can't fool either of them so he decides to give up.

"She was fine after a tear of therapies Yoongi, until that ball. She started having those nightmares again," Namjoon confides to Yoongi.

Yoongi's face scrunches.

"Why did you even have to come back if you knew this would happen eventually?" Yoongi asks him.

"I didn't wanna come back. I want to stay with her in Hawaii. Live with her and Yuki there peacefully. But she saud she needs to come, she said she's tired of hiding. Either way Yoongi, I know she'll eventually see him. She even saw him on our first day here, Jin actually met his daughter unknowingly. Heiran handled that first meeting well but the ball? That's another issue,"

"Why don't you just make her come back to Hawaii?" Yoongi asks again.

He's scared of seeing Heiran get hurt again and he thinks this is the only way to save her.

"No, she needs to face this. This way, she can battle it herself," Namjoon answers the man confidently.

"Are you sure? She's only one choice away from leaving you. That bastartd might get into ger head again," Yoongi reminded him.

Namjoon is scared of that too. Heiran leaving him might be his drath but he needs to trust her. That's the least thing he could do after doing all twisted things he has to do to keep her.

"I won't let that happen," he selfishly answers making Yoongi look at him.

Namjoon never really showed this side of him so Yoongi got a bit surprised at how Namjoon's mindset is now different. Before, he would say he'll accept things but now he said the complete opposite. Yoongi shrugs it off and diverts their topic.

"So, any news about your lost sister?" Yoongi asks him instead making his whole demaneour shift.

He suddenly became quiet and seems to remember something he has forgotten.

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