Chapter 8

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The day passes quickly, the same pace as the presents enter her office. Heiran's been receiving lots of presents yearly and this day is the most special one. Although she receives all these, she's still waiting for her husband's present even though she knew she won't receive any.

Her eyes trails to the left corner of her office and sighed in dismay as the painful thought of her husband not caring struck her mind again.

She called for Alex's presence and he came in quick.

"Please bring them home for me," she asked her secretary.

"Yes ma'am," Alex bowed and proceeded with his task.

Heiran grabbed her bag and coat and started exiting her office. By 7:30 pm, she's already out in Gangnam commercial street. She's thankful she chose to wear her most comfortable heels so she could be able to walk around the busy street.

Although it started to snow, it's pretty light for winter and the streets are pretty slippery already so she went into a nearby shop to buy the most comfortable boots she could see and opted for the black knee high boots that still goes with her white coat. She picked out a red scarf and wore it around her neck.

"Wasn't planning on having a walk this time ma'am?" the girl behind the counter asked her with a warm smile on her face.

"Yeah, I just got out from office and decided to have a walk for my birthday," Heiran responded.

"Really? I wish you a happy birthday ma'am," the girl greeted her and Heiran bowed and grabbed the paper bag from the counter.

The winter breeze welcomed her back upon stepping out from the store and was drawn by the familiar man standing just outside.

The winter breeze welcomed her back upon stepping out from the store and was drawn by the familiar man standing just outside

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A smirk took over his features when he saw her making Heiran shake her head in amusement.

"What could a birthday girl be doing out here alone in the streets of Gangnam instead of enjoying a date?" he asked Heiran.

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