Chapter 10

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Seokjin taps his foot on the floor of his office and his brows are drawn to a furrow again. He's been having a head ache since this morning because of what happened and now, Jisoo is pestering him.

The door suddenly flew open revealing Jisoo with a scowl on her face.

"Yah! Since when are you going to ignore me Seokjin?" she asked as she sets her bag on the table.

Jin inhaled sharply while he composes himself. He might lash out anytime soon.

"I'm sorry sweety but I've been very busy these past few weeks," he tried to sound as calm as possible even though his lip is twitching in irritation.

Jisoo scoffed and planted her hands on her hips.

"Is she changing your mind?" she finally said her thoughts.

"What?" Jin asked her completely thrown off guard.

"Heiran, is she finally replacing me in your heart?" she sounded crazy.

She knew that would get Jin's attention.

Jin stood up and sauntered towards her kissing her lips.

"Of course not sweety, you're still here," he said pulling her to his desk.

Jisoo smiled and kissed him back.

That statement from Jin is so bold of him to say because right now, he's having second thoughts. These past days, he's been feeling strange and that worries him so maybe Jisoo's appearance might be of help to h to clear his thoughts once again.

Jisoo lets go of the kiss.

"When are you going to divorce her anyway? It's been 5 years Jin. Do you really intend to make me wait that long?"

That struck him again. He quickly thinks of some excuse.

"It's not that easy sweety, we still have some things to finish but I promise you I will divorce her," he lied but Jisoo seemed to believe it.

Before Jisoo could even speak again, he kissed her mouth once again and in no time, they are full-on doing a make out session in his office and his secretary knew better than to come in so she just reprimands anyone who tries to enter.

Who knows what they're doing there.

Mirae's irritation to her boss surfaces again at Jisoo's unexpected appearance in this office. She knew Jin has been cheating on Heiran but because she's afraid to inform her, she kept silent. She might lose a job if she does that.

Jimin on the other hand is on his way to his taping.


"You know what Namjoon, I really am pissed at you," Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"Why are you even letting Jin do that shit to Heiran?" Yoongi added.

Namjoon inhaled sharply and sets the coffee cup down.

"If I have the chance to do what you're saying I could've done it long ago. Look, I don't want Heiran to have a harder time because of me. She's still married okay?" he explained.

"And she still loves him," he added bitterly.

Hoseok groaned as he tries to tie his daughter's hair in his lap while her daughter looks up at Yoongi. Hoseok is waiting for his wife to pop any minute now and it's driving him insane.

"Listen Namjoon, Jin might not hurt her physically yet. Who knows when, who knows how. Do something," Yoongi pointed out.

That's what Namjoon is scared of. Last month, he saw a bruise on her wrist and he knows who did that but Heiran being stubborn that she is, she decides to cover up Jin's fault.

"I'll try okay but I won't force her," he said.

"Just try and make her happy while she's in that shitty marriage. I told her a thousand times to just divorce him but fuck! She's so stubborn," Yoongi cursed making the child eye him.

"Uncle Yoongi, stop cursing," she reminded the man and that made Hoseok chuckle a bit.

"Right baby, tell him that," he approved her.

"Do you think I she can at least like me?" Namjoon asked the two with pain in his tone.

Hoseok looked at Yoongi.

"Well, if you try again Namjoon. Nothing is impossible," Yoongi answered him.

"What if she shuts me down totally and decides to ignore me?" Namjoon asked once again.

The thought scares him.

"She's not that inconsiderate Namjoon. You should know that of all people," Hoseok pointed out.

He's right, Namjoon thought to himself.


Heiran went home later than what she have expected. She was about to go up her room when she saw the bouquet and a present on the center table. They were all rushing this morning that she wasn't even aware that that was sitting in the table. She walked to where it is and picked up the box. She read it and the note shook her a bit.

Happy birthday Heiran.

"Am I dreaming?" she muttered to herself.

"No you're not," Jin answered from behind her.

He wasn't even planning on giving that to her but now that she saw them, it's too late to get those back now.

She turned to look at him and blushed instantly. He's not wearing shirt and he has his hair wet probably from the shower.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not walk around the house bare feet Heiran?" he asked suddenly irritated upon looking at her feet.

Heiran shifted and looked down on her feet. Without a warning, Jin lifted her up over his shoulder and started to climb the stairs and into her room.

She was shocked at what Jin is doing leaving her speechless.

Am I dreaming?

She asked herself again.

He set her down on her foot.

"Go change now," he commanded making her scramble to get changed.

After changing, Jin once again pulled her hand and led her to her bed. He surprisingly tucked her in and kissed her forehead. All the while, Heiran has her eyes wide open.

"What are you doing?" she asked Jin.

"What?" he asked innocently as if what he's doing is normal.

"Good night," he said lastly ans switched off her lights.

Heiran laid there silently and slowly, a smile is forming on her face.


Again, this chapter is unedited.

I'm waiting for uploads on their performance at bbmas. What's taking them so long :(

- Haeun ❤

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