Chapter 38

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Like the past 2 years, everything was fine. Heiran and Namjoon were fine. Now, Namjoon feels so threatened that he literally banged on the door where he currently is.

The woman opens her door and sighs in agitation as she rolls her eyes.

''What now Namjoon?" she asks him.

"You promised me Jisoo! What were you doing? You told me you'll keep an eye on him. What the hell was he doing there asking Heiran about Yuki?!" Namjoon bursts out.

"He what now?!" Jisoo snaps her head to his direction.

"You heard me, now Heiran wants to tell Jin about the child. What the hell is this negligence?"

Jisoo starts pacing the floor.

"No, no, no, this can't be happening," she mumbles to herself.

"I can't fucking lose now! Now that I have everything within my grasp. That damn Heiran, always getting on my way," she starts to pull at her hair.

Namjoon gets alarmed at Jisoo blaming Heiran again. He knew she was a crazy bitch and she might actually harm her.

"Don't you lay a finger on her Jisoo. We had a deal," he reminded her.

"A deal thay can be broken once all hell loses! She's on the damn way!" she screams.

"You're after something I already have Jisoo. Heiran, she's something I don't have,"

"Do you think I care?"

Namjoom realizes that Jisoo will do anything just to keep Jin hers and Heiran and Yuki are in danger.

"I'll do something about it," he volunteers before Jisoo could even think of something morbid to do.

"Make sure it'll save the both of us Namjoon or I'll kill her," Jisoo threathens.



Hoseok no!" Heiran protests as he uses his body to block the door.

"I told you Heiran, you aren't ready for this," he says but Heiran has already set her mind.

She knew this day would come, she knew it would happen. Yet she isn't really understanding herself. She doesn't know what's driving her to actually tell Jin the truth.

"No Hoseok, stop. Heiran is old enough now. She's capable of doing decisions for herself," Yoongi pulls Hosoek out of her way.

Heiran smiles at Yoongi. She knows he understands her and he's not against her decision to introduce Yuki to her real father.

"Yuki's waiting for me im the car. Namjoon and I have talked about iy Hoseok," she convinces Hoseok before leaving.

Hosoek stooped wriggling from Yoongi's grasp and slowly turns to look at Heiran.

"And he said yes?" it sounded absurd.

They really did talked about it and Namjoon said yes before going to Jisoo. Right now, he's driving his way to where she could actually introduce the child to Jin before all hell looses.

"Yes, and he said it's okay," Heiran answered Hoseok.

Hosoek gives up and walks lazily to his seat. Heiran sighs and walks out, nodding to Yoongi. He nods back at her and watch as she enters her car where Yuki is waiting with their driver.

"I don't like this," Hoseok proclaims making Yoongi chuckle.

"You're roo overprotective of her. Remember, she can do it herself now. She's not thay fragile rich brat back im college anymore," Yoongi once again reminded Hoseok.

"I know but I don't want the idea of them getting back together,"

"I have faith in Seokjin," Yoongi raises his brows in approval earning a glare from Hoseok.


Jin waits patiently in a bench and watches as people pass by. The sound of the rides going up together with the screams of the people filled his ears. Heiran said it might make Yuki upset so an amusment oark is the best way to go. His hands are on top of his lap as he tries to calm himself.

"That was easy," he mutters to himself.

He never really actually though Heiran would give him a chance to know the truth. Although he already partly knows what's going on, he still wants Heiran's confirmation.

"I'm doing this for peace of mind Jin. Let's be clear here, I don't have anything to do with you,"

He remembers her words. It's the painful reality Jin has to accept.

"Ajhussi," he heard a high oitched voice call for him.

He instantly smiles as his eyes met Yuki's. Heiran looks down at Yuki who still is oblivious to what's about to happen next.

"Mom, is he the one we're meeting?" Yuki asks.

"Yes baby, come sit here with me," she invites the kid as Heiran sits beside Jin.

Jin looks so nervous right now and all he could hear is his blood pumping behind his ears.

Yuki obliges and sits in between them in the bench.


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