Chapter 7

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Seokjin never failed to make her feel unwanted except for physical satisfaction. He would never give her gifts on her birthdays and special holidays.

Though every valentines day, her birthdays and Christmas; he would watch Alex carry tons of gifts from all of Heiran's suitors. He would typically ignore them but every year, Namjoon never fails to give a present to Heiran which seemed to catch Jin's attention since it's the only gift she carries herself and actually opens and keeps. All the other presents were carried by Alex and would often times be stocked in her room until she lets Jeongyeon open them for her and let her take whatever Jeongyeon wants.

Heiran only accepts Namjoon's presents. On their first year of marriage, Jin first took notice of the peculiar way Heiran treats Namjoon. His curiosity got the best of him and peeked to see who those gifts were from and it was indeed Namjoon. That was the first time he got jealous without noticing and locked Heiran in her room for a whole day without food nor water.

Though Jin did that, Heiran completely ignored him and kept accepting Namjoon's gifts only and it made Jin angrier.

Heiran's birthday is only 2 days away and dying his hair pink was his first step in attempt to keep her by his side. So seeing his wife happy about his new hair made him feel like he would just easily persuade Heiran again into staying in the marriage.

"Do you really think so?" he asked Heiran again.

Heiran looked up from her feet to meet Jin's hopeful gaze.

"Yeah," she nodded not being able to comprehend how she would interact with Jin.

Jin unconsciously smiled making Heiran flush. Jin never smiled at her like that since forever and it's giving her stomach butterflies again.

As if Heiran snapped from her hopeful thoughts, she bit the inside of her cheek and walked away making a frown take over her husband's smile.

Heiran ran up the stairs and into her room and locked her door.

"What game is he playing? Does he need anything from me again?" she muttered to herself while pacing her floor.

When she's home, she would always walk around the house bare feet so her maids make sure that their floor is as clean as it gets. Jin knew that habit of hers so he just got accustomed to it except for cold nights. Heiran catches cold easily and being on her bare feet this winter will only make her more vulnerable from colds.

Like the other night, he carried her up her room just because she was bare feet. That was an old habit of Jin that he never was able to get rid of.

She shake her head vehemently trying to remove Jin's smiling face on her mind. She went to her bed and lied down. She kept her eyes open to wait for Jin's knock.

She knew Jin needs something so this is a normal thing to do for her. But she waited and waited for hours until she hasn't realized she already fell asleep.

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