Chapter 41

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"You called Ms. Kim— I mean—," Mirae looks away and is about to apologize but Heiran raises her hand to make Mirae shush.

"It's fine Mirae. Anyway, thank you for coming. There's something I want to confirm," Heiran speaks as she lays the folder flat infront of her.

"What is?" Mirae asks as she flips the folder open. Her eyes widen as the shock overcomes her face.

"Wha—" she's renderred speachless.

"I know," Heiran nods. "Jin has never been this lenient before. Is this true?" she adds.

Mirae nods and takes the seat infront of Heiran.

"I've just recently discovered this. Mr. Kim hasn't been lenient at all. Someone has been stabbing him in the back these past years since he signed the partnership with your company. Some of the boards are selling their shares to an unknown person and I know it makes Mr. Kim"s position at risk," Mirae says. "I was afraid to tell anyone about this because I'm scared of what might happen to me. I hope you understand miss. Some of our company's security personels were taken down without anyone noticing except me who's been digging through evidences," Mirae looks scared.

"This is bad," Heiran taps her fingers on Jungkook's desk.

"Noona, what are you planning to do?" Jungkook asks his sister.

Knowing her, she has already thought of something that would help Seokjin behind his back. Heiran still has her pride and doesn't want to make Seokjin learn about her helping.

"I'm going to buy stocks in his company. Not a large amout. Maybe just a small portion so I get to see whatever is inside," Heiran says with finality.

"Don't you think he'll find out soon?" Mirae asks.

"That's why you're here. Make it appear that I am the one who bought that 40%, see what he'll do," Heiran says.

Jungkook gets the idea immediately and starts preparing papers for her.

"This way, he'll take action," Heiran adds.


"Mr. Kim, are you sure you still want to search for your sister? It's been years," the private investigator says sullenly.

This would be his hundreth return to Namjoon without a result and the investigator himself finds it impossible to even find her.

"You can't easily look for someone who doesn't want to be found. She's hiding, I can feel it. I don't know why she's doing this but I will find her. I don't care if it tales another 5 or 10 years," Namjoon says as he unclasps his hands.

The investigator can only nod at Namjoon's resolute. He's paying him and that's what matters anyway.

"Very well Mr. Kim. I'll call you once I find anything," he says as he stands up.

Once the investigator has left, Namjoon heard a loud thud from Yuki's room making him stand to his feet and sprint to her. Yuki starts wailing and screaming while someone tries to pull her out the window.

"Daddy!!!" she screams at the top of her lungs, tears flowing from her eyes.

"No!!! Please let go of me!!! Daddy!!!!!!!" her screams filled the mansion alerting everyone in the house.

Before the person could successfully tale Yuki, Namjoon entered her room making the kidnapper let go of her. Yuki lands right into her room's floor, hitting her head in the process. The child loses her consciousness and Namjoon runs straight to her.

"Follow that person!" Namjoon commands as he carries Yuki into the car.

"Stay with daddy baby," he says as he drives her to the hospital.

Namjoon dials Heiran's number and was answered immediately.

"Honey, you called?" Heiran answers.

"We're on our way to the hospital. Come quickly," Heiran could hear the panic in Namjoon's voice so she stood up leaving Mirae and Jungkook wondering why she looked so worried.

Heiran took off and drove fast to the hospital. Her heartbeat is escalating and she could only pray everything will be fine. She runs tk the emergency room and spotted Namjoon outside the operating room pacing. He sees her and hugs her immediately.

"What happened?" she asks him.

"Someone tried to kidnap Yuki. I tried catching her but the kidnapper lets go of her making her fall on the floor. The doctor said she needs immediate operation sonce she fell hard," Namjoon fills her in.

Worry and rage filled Heiran's body making her tremble.

"I'm so sorry," Namjoon apologizes.

"She's still here with us and that's what's important. Thank you for saving her Joon," Heiran shakes her head.

"I've had the cameras check the perimeter and be reviewed. I know that person has a motive. Whatever ut is, we'll find out," Namjoon promises.

Heiran nods and they both wait patiently.

The doctor exits the operating room and the two met him.

"How is she?" Heiran asks, still worried about her daughter.

"She's now safe miss, let her heal and recover. We've managed to stop the bleeding but please don't strain her that much," the doctoer says as he bows to leave.

"Thank you,'' they both said and bows back.

Heiran and Namjoon releases a sigh of relief as they wait for her to be transferred to her room.

Only Yuki knows what happened. Only she knows who that person was. That person told her everything and tried to kidnap her. Only she can tell what that person's motives are.



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