Chapter 45

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"My daughter's life is at stake here officer," Heiran reminds the police who just wanted to make sure everything's in control and his men will take their much deserved rest.

"I apologize ma'am but my men needs to rest too. We're doing our best ma'am and we're thankful for understanding us," the officer calms Heiran.

Namjoom squeezes Heiran's hand gently, reassuring her thay everything's going to be fine. Heiran looks at him and nods.

"You can rest sir, we do understand. My wife is just stressed," Namjoon says.

The officer takes his exit while Namjoon and Heiran hops inside their car. Namjoon drives home while Heiran looks outside the window worrying about her daughter. Namjoon senses her troubled mind and sighs.

"Hey baby, we'll find her okay? Don't lose hope," he encourages, reaching for her hand.

Heiran revels at his warmth and comfort but her head rages. All she could think about is her daughter. After that long talk with Jin, she finds herself questioning her decisions. She looks at Namjoon to see any crack from his oerfect image but she seems to can't find any. She isn't sure if Jin is juat taking afvantage of the situation but can seem to ignore it either. All she has to do is reach home and find anything that could prove any of Jin's alligations.

"Uhm, Heiran," Namjoon says as he drives around the corner to their house.

Heiran looks over exoectantly and waits for whatever Namjoon has to say.

"I need ti go grab some things from my office. I'll come home later yes? Is it okay to just drop you off?"

"Yeah, it's totally fine," Heiran says. Suspicious enough, she needs this chance to rummage through his stuff.

Namjoon drops her off and drives back to the city to do whatever he has to do. Heiran runs to their room and looks through his stuff, his safe, his closet, eveb under his pillow and under the bed. She finds nothing.

She drums her fingers againts their side table and thinks of somewhere where he could safely hide his anything he wants to hide.

"I need ti go grab some things from my office,"

"His office,"

She mumbles to herself and quickly grabs her phone to dial Seokjin's number.

"Heiran," Jin answers.

"I can't find anything here," she says. "I think he hides it in his office. The problem is he's on his way there," she informs him.

"I doubt that, I'm currently following him and he jusymt made an exit from Seoul," he says while he follows Namjoon's car.

"What?!" Heiran stands up, goosebumps covering her skin.

She's afraid everything might be real.

"He just came back from a pharmacy and bought medical stuff. I don't know where he's headed to but I sure will try and know where his whereabouts are," he says and sees Namjoon entering another country road.

"Turn your gps on. If anything happens, I'll know where to get you. I'll be in his office," Heiran says.

Something about that makes Seokjin's heart flatter.

Maybe there's a chance.


Heiran calls Namjoon's secretary again and asks for his office's keys. No questions asked, the secretary gave the keys to Alex. Now Alex stands in Namjoon's office with Jungkook.

"Say, why are we here again?" Jungkook asks his now loyal secretary.

"Your sister asked for our assistance. I think it's something important sir," Alex answers Jungkook.

He merely nods and waits for his sister patiently. In 5 minutes, Heiran is already opening the office. After she has explained everytging to them, they nodded in underatanding. Ready to helo.her look for anything suspicious.

They starts rummaging through his stuff and the first thing Heiran saw is his flashdrive. Hoping it contains anything important. She shoves it in her pocket and continous with her rummaging. Alex looks through his files and Jungkook searches his drawers.

He finds an envelope that's under all his pens and opens it. It's his private investigator's reports about his search for his sister through the years his invetigator is been hired.

"Noona, Namjoon hyung found his sister. And you know her too well," Jungkook hands her the last document.

Heiran's heart starts to pound faster at the identity of his lost sister.

"Jisoo is his lost sister," Heiran whispers and it feels like her soul just left her body.

For Namjoon, it just won't make sense for him to abduct Yuki. But for Jisoo, she would benefit from it.

Out of revenge?


What could possibly be the explanation to this?

"Ma'am, I think you also need to see this," Alex flips over files he is nervous about.

Heiran looks over it and it confirms why Seokjin's shared in his own company is dwindling. Namjoon is buying them off in favor of Jisoo.

"Why is Namjoon doing this?" Heiran asks herself more than anyone.

"It seems like he's been purchasing a lot of properties under your name, using your own money too noona," Jungkook looks over the websites and bank accounts and checks them one by one.

"Noona, this is serious," Jungkook finally realizes all Namjoon's whereabouts and wrong doings.

"He's been taking advantage," he continues.

Before she could even think about her money, there's something she suddenly felt scared of.

"Jin," she whispers.



- Haeun❤

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- Haeun❤

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