Chapter 25

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Jin signs the last pages from the last file that has stacked up in his desk. He's already having a head ache this early afternoon but the constant ringing of his phone pulled him away before he even groans.

He picked up the call not even looking who he's talking to.

"What?" he snapped.

"You might wanna watch the news hyung," Taehyung said on the other line.

"Channel," he briefly answers.

"Three," Taehyung said and hangs up.

Jin turned his swivel chair to his television and did what his cousin told him. He watch as a live presscon is about to start.

He then watch Heiran come up in the stage and sits down on the table, a microphone is propped infront of her. Jin noticed she gained weight a bit and he smiled fondly. His smile was gone instantly when he saw Namjoon come up on stage together with Jungkook. His interest got more piqued so he continued to watch.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, the presscon starts now," the announcer said.

Heiran fixes her posture and her aura of dominance knocks Jin's breath out of his lungs.

"Thank you for being here this afternoon," Heiran started.

"Before the questioning even starts, I would like to announce something very important. This is Jungkook, my brother and Namjoon my husband," she continued making Jin snap his head up.

Within seconds, Taehyung came barging in his office and realized he was too late. Jin already heard it. He sighs and sits on the couch. Jin's knuckles turned white.

"I'm stepping down as the CEO of the corporation and my brother here will take over. Due to my unexpected pregnancy, I need to take a break from my work. That's all, the podium now is open for questions," she gestured.

"Pregnant?!" Jin yelled.

Taehyung is as confused as him.

"Ms. Kim, why did you and Mr. Kim hide your marriage?" a reporter asked.

Jin saw how Namjoon held Heiran's hand signalling her that he got this. Seokjin is beyond pissed, whatever game they're playing, he's not one bit happy about it.

He's confused why she chose to cover up all their marriage's mess by using Namjoon and why the hell is she pregnant?

Can even Jungkook handle things?

"It's our decision to hide our marriage from the public. We thought about leaving our personal lives private but things like these are inevitable," Namjoon answered.

"How about the rumors with Mr. Seokjin?" another added.

Jin freezes in his seat and waits for Heiran to answer.

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