Chapter 11

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Watching the students pass by her, Heiran starts to pick at the loose fray of her dress. She was never this nervous before and to think that she was only waiting for Jin. Today is her birthday and she had to reschedule her family dinner for him since he said he's going to be busy the whole week.

Cars pass by and she's just been waiting for Jin for almost 5 minutes now. He was never late so she thought she would give him a small leaway to atleast compensate him.

When she looked to her right, there he is running towards her holding five pink helium balloons while waving at her. His hair bouncing up and down while he's running fast to get to her.

By the time he arrived to where she is, he's already panting so hard he could barely greet her properly.

"H-happy b-birthday Heiranah," he greeted in between pants.

Heiran stood up and smiled at him widely.

"You didn't have to buy me this," Heiran said as she reaches for the balloons he was handing to her.

"But I want to," Jin answered after catching his breath.

She just smiled brightly at him. She knew her face is tinted red from her blushing but she couldn't care less.

Now that she looks at the pink balloons here in her office who was given by one of her suitors, all she could think of was that day and Jin.

An unknowing smile creeps on her face again as she remembers the events last night but was quickly interrupted by her phone ringing.

She picked up the call and pressed it against her ear.

"Ms. Kim speaking," she answered.

"Ms. Kim, this is Mr. Zanders from the the Philippines. I've called to inform you that one of your coal factory here exploaded this morning causing so much damage. We're afraid we haven't save anything at all. Fortunately, no one was harmed," the guy informed her.

If she could curse, profanities might've spilled from her mouth tactlessly but she knew better.

Her brows are drawn to a furrow and her head tilts to the side thinking of something to do about the explosion. The damage didn't actually bothered her. She's thinking about her employees.

"Thank you for informing me Mr. Zander, the company's legal team will call you later. For now, take care of the employees there," she instructed and hang up.

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