Chapter 13

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Heiran unconsiously rolled over to the other side of the bed expecting it to be empty but was surprised to feel a hard muscular body came in contact with her skin. She immediately opened her eyes and Jin's face is only an inch away from her while her hands are all sprawled all over his body. They were still both naked when they fell asleep but Heiran felt cold last night because of the air conditioner so she ended up wearing her clothes to warm her up. Jin on the other hand just got off the bed an hour after Heiran got dressed to pick up his underwear and wore it before going back to the bed.

"What the hell is he still doing here? He should be up by now already dressed and some shit,"

She muttered under her breath.

She gently pulled her hand away and lifted the duvet and was about to get off the bed when Jin pulled her by her waist back to his side.

Heiran yelped in surprise and her eyes widen at what Jin did.

"Jin, I need to eat. I'm starving," she tried to let lose but his grip on her hips is way too strong for her to wriggle out.

Jin groaned in protest and snuggled closer to her hair making Heiran flustered early in the morning.

She releases an exhale of defeat and just let Jin snuggle behind her. She tried to fall asleep but the way his breath brushes her neck keeps her wide awake.

Bizarre thoughts are now roaming Heiran's mind and she hates it. She hates that she's hoping Jin has indeed changed basing from his past behaviours lately. Before she could even drown in her own thoughts, Jin finally spoke with a husky voice since he just woke up.

"Are you hungry?" he asked her through her hair.

She gulped at hus question thinking hard on what to answer. Well it was easy to answer but her jumbled mind is keeping her from answering sanely.

"Yeah," was all she mustered.

"Let's go eat then," he suggested and lets go of her waist.

She shifted awkwardly hoping Jin has finally turned his back but once again, was met by his startling lazy eyes.

"Good morning," he greeted with a small smile making her stomach churn.

"Oh uh, good morning," she greeted back awkwardly.

She shifted her gaze and looked away.

I'm not her to be all lovey with h but why does he make it feel like we're having our none existent honey moon?

She asked herself.

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