Chapter 49

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The sun is fairly bright today, the sky is even blue and the breeze is cool. Perfect day for me to visit Namjoon. It's been 5 months since his death and I still miss him. After everything he has done, I can't find it in me to hate him. Namjoon is still the man who loved me so much despite what he did.

Yuki has been great, she's been spending a lot more time with Jin and I'm sure she misses Namjoon too but because Jin is there, she kind of cope with it rather easily. She sometimes mention him but only with such admiration and love. That's what I want her to remember of him.

Clutching the stem of the bouquet I bought for Namjoon, I walk slowly to his space. We burried him here because I knew he would love it in here. Jisoo wasn't allowed to attend the funeral since she's in detention up to this day.

Finally arriving to his space, I set the flowers down and a smile voluntarily spreads into my face.

"I'm sorry I'm late," I whispered.

A gust of wind gently ruffles my hair and my eyes began to water.

"I miss you too," a lone tear escapes my eye.

I'll always remmeber his smile. Those dimples, his warm hand, his heart beating and his voice. Somehow, I am rest assured that he's resting now. Hoping his out of guilt and happy now guarding us both.

After spending a good amount of time here, I decide to go home. The sky has become so gloomy and I have no umbrella with me.

"I think I need to go Joon, I'll come see you soon again," I smile and caress the cold stone that indicates his precious name.

I step back and walk back to my car. As soon as I step into the driver's side, the rain starts pouring. I sigh and buckle my seatbelt on. I was hoping to go home straight but opt not to. Pitting my ear piece on, the line starts to ring.

"Hello," he answers.

"Are you free?" I ask immediately knowing that he can't say no to me.

"Uhm, Yuki is asleep in my arms at the moment," Jin answers with a gentle shuffle. "You want me to come pick you up?" he adds

"Oh no, it's okay," I said and dropped the call.

Jin has been here, Jin has been always here. He starts his father duties to Yuki as soon as he can. Taking turns with Jungkook since Jimin is busy with his newborn baby. Taehyung is now my CEO assistant in training. He's become very close to me since his heartbreak with my brother. Who knew he was inlove with Jimin?

Alex has gone off to vacation with his family and is bound to come back to work this week. I stopped by my favorite restaurant and spots my favorite server.

"Ms. Kim," Hyun mi greets me with a warm smile.

"Please, Just call me Heiran," I nod politely at her.

She smiles more and leada me to my usual spot.

"The usual miss?" she asks.

"Yes please, but I want it to take it home. You know, maybe a movie marathon could help me relax," I winked at her and she gets it immediately.

After less than an hour, Hyun mi hands me my take out and bids me a farewell and good luck. I smile back at her and hands her my usual tip.

"You know, you always hand me a hundred dollar. My boss is starting to think of suspicions about me stealing," she jokes aside.

"I told you to come work for me. The offer is still up. Just give me a call," I remind her.

"I'll keep that in mind," she says and goes back to her post.

After a short drive, I open my front door and all the lights are on. I never leave them open. My heart starts to pound but before I could even think of a worst scenario, I hear a cork popping.


I walk to the kitchen and placed the food on the counter top.

"Hey mr. Alcoholic. Didn't know you love champagne," I teased.

His back relaxes and he turns slowly to face me.

"First of all, I quit drinking. And second, I know you love champagne so I bought the finest bottle available," he smiles and graces to me.

He hands me a flute and clinks the glass.

"Cheers, to the most beautiful woman I know," he teases, but his eyes arw so sincere that I blush myself.

"Thank you Mr. Kim," I nodded and took a sip from my glass.

"I thought you were holding Yuki in your home,"

"I am home," he grins and comes closer to me.

I get a waft if his familiar perfume and I instantly melt. He hands me his glass, so now I'm holding both glasses in my hands. I look at him skeptically and knew the moment his eyes met mine.

He takes my lips in his and swiftly lets  both his hands hold me in place by my waist. His tongue shoots inside gently. Our breaths mingling, my heart pounding. He pulls back with a satisfied grin on his face.

"I think I need more than just one kiss," he whispers and grabs bith glasses in my hands and pulls me up my room.

My body is giddy but my heart is full.


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