Chapter 24

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Jin takes a sharp inhale while Jisoo works her way down his neck to his collarbone. He closes his eyes in attempt to get in the mood while she unbuttons his dress shirt. He failed totally since all that pops in his head when he closes his eyes are images of Heiran. Lately, she has been occupying Jin's head making him more anxious than he already is.

He opens his eyes and subtly pushes Jisoo away making her unlatch her lips from his skin. She looks up at him and furrows her brows.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

Jin just shake his head and tried to still look interested in what they were doing but in all honesty, he just wasn't in the mood.

Jisoo climbs off his lap and folds her arms over her chest.

"Why are you being like this?" she aksed him, her tone annoyed.

Ever since their divorce, Jin has been acting off. He seems to be more sensitive and he barely touches Jisoo. Although he actually bought a house for them to kove in, she speculates that he still wants to keep their old home.

In fact, Jin just bought a new house because he doesn't want to taint their lovely home. He wants that house to be filled with Heiran's memories only. He's been sleeping in Heiran's room since the court's hearing for their divorce. He was always melancholy and has been acting up over the smallest things.

Jisoo didn't look that over. She was aware of all the changes and it's beginning to make her impatient. Sure Jin bought her a house but she wanted a home. Sure Jin is with her but she wanted a husband. She thought she can replace Heiran in Jin's mind and heart.

Jin was oblivious of what is exactly happening to him. Throughout the years he's been with her, he wasn't aware that he was already falling for her. Now that she's gone, he can only feel emptiness and unease within him. He's battling with himself and he's not even sure why.

Jin looked everywhere but her.

"Nothing's happening with me," he cocked his head to the side.

"Suits you," she huffed and started changing infront of Jin knowing that his hands will be all over her once she did.

Jin eyed her and gulped. It's working and Jisoo knew.

"Fuck," he muttered to himself and pulled Jisoo back in his lap.

Jisoo smiled knowing she's getting what she wants.


"Look, we can't name my baby Snow okay?" Heiran glared at Jungkook.

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