Chapter 19

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Alex picks out balloons and baby stuff Heiran told him to do. Now, they're on their way to the hospital to visit Hoseok's wife who just gave birth. She actually cancelled her halfday schedule for the visit.

They both walked into the hospital and into the maternity ward where the private rooms are located. Alex knocked and he heard Hoseok call them in. Alex opened the door and Yoongi's bright smile welcomed them accompanied by Hosoek's tired but happy eyes.

Heiran continues to enter and walk straight to the bed where Hoseok's wife is holding their newly arrived baby.

"Ohh Yoonji, congratulations," Heiran spoke with awe as she hugs and kisses Yoonji on the cheek.

"Thanks Heiran," she smiled back at her.

"I've brought something for you and the baby," Heiran said.

Alex is busy setting down the said things Heiran bought for her and the baby. Food is also being prepared by Yoongi. He's taking them out of the take out boxes and readies the food mostly for the his child who's tugging at Heiran's skirt.

Heiran bent down to greet Yoongi's child. "Hello there Euntak," she cooed at her godchild.

"Hello aunt Ranah," she answered her back.

"How old are you again darling, why do you look so big now?" she picked up the baby who looks exactly like Yoongi.

The baby held up two fingers.

"Oh two, you're already two?" Heiran asked the child in shock and looks at Yoongi for confirmation. He nodded making Heiran smile.

The child nodded, her curly hair touching her eyes so Heiran tucked the stray strand of hair behind her ear.

Yoongi and Yoonji are twins. Hoseok married Yoonji when they were still in college. They thought they would not last this long but Hoseok really loved Yoonji. Yoongi however, lost his girlfriend when she gave birth to Euntak. Yoongi is raising Euntak alone for two years now and it's painfully beautiful to see how Yoongi copes everyday.

He does eventually cry to Heiran or to Hoseok but he never shows it to Euntak. For now, she's still not looking for her mom, giving Yoongi time to be okay before he faces his daughter.

Yoongi is the bright one, always happy and carefree. Hoseok is just the total opposite of him. He's gloomy and sometimes kind of quiet but he's really caring. Yoonji is also bright and happy like Yoongi so it just makes sense why the three of them are the ones who really sticks together especially when Yoongi's girlfriend died when she gave birth.

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