Chapter 46

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Jin knew the moment Namjoon left the city. He knew what he's getting himself into. He thought he kmew Namjoon, he though Heiran knew her better. They were living in the same roof and Jin couldn't be more dismayed at himself.

Namjoon has finally oarked his car infront of a house. Jin watches him carry all his purchases inside and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Jisoo open the door.

"Jisoo?" he whispered to himself in utter disbelief.

What comes first in his mind is that they're having an afair. He.was quick to walk out his car that's parked a reasonable distance from the house once Namjoon closes the door. He walks slowly to the side of the house and could only trust his naked eye. It's pitch black now and all he could hear was Jisoo and Namjoon's inaudible fight. Finally, Jin gets a close lool from the small slit of curtain that's covering a window. He could hear eveeything now since Jisoo's already shouying at the top of her lungs.

"Why would I tale care of the child? You're the one who's claiming she's yours!" Jisoo folds her arms ovee her chest in protest.

Namjoon slams his fist on the table startling her.

"You're the one who wanted to keep her not me," he speaks lowly.

"Yuki will recognize me if I would be the one to enter that damn room. If that happens, we'll have no time in continuing our plan,"

Jisoo looks at the medical stuff yhay Namjoon has arrived with and sighs, finally agreeing to what Namjoon wants

Jin quickly looks through the windows to see if Yuki would be anywhere near. He rounds the house eagerly until he heard a child sobbing. He stand on his toes to peek through the window and see of Yuki's is in there.

"What a pleasant surprise Seokjin," Namjoon's deeo voice makes Jin stop.

He slowly turns around to meet Namjoon's eyes but was suddenly hit by a shovel making him lose his consciousness.


"No, Jimin doesn't need to come. Please Jungkook, it's enough that you're here. It's enough please," Heiran begs Jungkook who's vehemently saying that Jimin must come.

"But noona,"

"No buts Jungkook, Jimin is with his pregnant girlfriend. She needs him more than us. Beside, we have the police coming," she shuts Jungkook.

Jungkook huffs in defeat and shoves his phone back into his pocket. Alex continues to follow Jin's GPS and his last location.

Heiran could only hope Jin is safe and alive.

Once they've arrived, Jungkook sent their location to the police and Alex decides to stand guard in case the situation worsens. The cops are on their way while Heiran and Jungkook walks carefuly searches for Namjoon's car. Finally locating it, Heiran holds her breath.

She walks on the same trail Jin walked just 3 hours ago and could hear Namjoon's voice from her distance. Jungkook gets distracted and goes to the front door instead. Heiran decides to walk through the back door and knew it would be a blind spot for Jisoo and Namjoon.

Heiran slowly turns the knob and enters the kitchen without closing the door. She walks quietly into the voice's direction and can see Jisoo's back while Namjoon walks back and forth in the living room. His making a clicking sound against the wooden floor.

They're still fighting over whatver she has no idea about until she saw Jin's phome om the dining table. Her eyes autimatically searvhes for his figure but stopped when she heard Yuki's cry. Her heart aches at the sound of her daughter's cry. She can feel her eyes water and stomach churn.

My baby

She covers her mouth to seal any noise she could create. Suddenly a gusy of wind makes the back door close loudly earning all their attention.

"What was that?" Namjoon asks Jisoo.

"I don't know, I remember closing the back dokr before I leave," Jisoo says standing up.

Heiran quickly enters the laundry area and hides. Jisoo walks into the kitchen and checks the premises but since she saw no one, she just shrugs it off. Jisoo walks back to the living room without any clue that Heiran has already entered the house.

In her position, she could see a dark hallway leading into three rooms. She sneaks into the hallway and tries to listen to where the cry is coming from. She finally reaches the farthest door and hears the cry louder now. Yuki is inside crying alone out of fear.

"Mommy," she sobs.

Heiran tries to ooen the knob but was locked.

"Fuck," she curses silently.

She walks back to the middle room and the door was open. She tried to see through the dark and Jin's figure crouching down catches her attention. She rushes over to him and hold his face.

Jin quickly opens his eyes and shock took over his face.

"Heiran?" he whispers.

"What are you doing here? It's dangerous, where are the cops?" Jin asks.

"Be quiet, let me untie you first," she whispers back.

Heiran quickly unties Jin and was about to leave when the light suddenly flickers on.



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