Chapter 5

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Jeongyeon asked Jimin who's standing by their doorway.

Jimin grinned like a maniac.

"I'm here to ask for your hand in marriage," Jimin started his teasing.

"Yah!" Jeongyeon yelled making their maids alert.

They all rushed to their doorway and greeted Jimin.

"Good evening Mr. Park," they bowed.

"Good evening ladies," Jimin greeted them back in a flirting way.

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes at the blatant flirting of Jimin.

"Come in," she flipped her short hair and walked in ignoring Jimin the while time.

She knew she'll be on the verge of being crazy tonight so she decides to keep her cool before she rips Jimin's head off.

Heiran looks at the stacked folders in her desk with tired eyes. It's already 10 in the evening and her stomach is starting to rumble. She has sent Alex home and she know Jimin is already in her in-laws' house having a hearty dinner with them.

Her stomach rumbles louder and she could only just groan. Heiran leaned her head on top of the folders and closed her laptop.

"I don't wanna go home. I don't want to see Jin," she mumbled to herself and close her eyes.

As if the heavens have heard her, Heiran's phone started ringing.


"Good evening Namjoon," she answered groggily.

"I would like to invite you out for dinner," his voice said on the other line.

A smile immediately formed on her face and a small chuckle escaped her mouth.

"What?" Namjoon asked.

"Nothing," Heiran continued to smile lifting up her head from the table.

"Okay, I'm coming," she agreed and packed her things and went down to her car.

It has been weeks since she last saw Namjoon and although she wasn't really planning to eat out, she better grab this opportunity before she finally decides not to eat.

As expected, Namjoon is waiting for Heiran outside his restaurant. He's been dreaming of having a simple one since all his restaurant chains are fine dining. Namjoon thought it'd be a breath of fresh air if he tries to engage in this type of dining. Namjoon was glad he did because most of his revenues are from his casual dining restaurant chains.

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