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Jane woke up from her sleep and looked around her.She realized she  was sitting on a well-manicured garden.She stood then walked around the garden enjoying the peaceful view and felt the softness of the wind.A soft petal brushed against the delicate skin of her nape causing her to shiver unintentionally.

The intoxicating scent of a flower beside her made her decided to pluck the flower.She enjoyed the scent of the flower until she realized a tall handsome figure was standing infront of her with his back facing her.The figure turn around and smiled at her.His presence dominated her make her shy then dropped her gaze to the ground.

"Jane,i have been waiting for you. Where have you been?",he walked towards her then held her hands.He carresed her cheeks then move his face closer to her.His lips became closer to hers but then he stopped.He walked back from her then let go of Jane's hands.

"Johny,why?",Jane looked very confused.Her lips pursued in tune with her mind.He held his head down overwhelmed by her dominance. "Jane,im very sorry.Goodbye".Ripples of her heartbeat pulsing in her ears."Johny,Johny please!Please dont go!Dont leave me!"


"Noona,wake up",Jane woke up then rubbed her eyes."Where are we?",she asked her brother."We already arrived at our new home",Jeno replied while brought out some things from the car.Jane tidied her hair then tied with a hairband."Why you didnt wake me?"Jane asked.Jeno looked at her sister then put the box that he held to the ground."You look tired so I just let you sleep.Are you hungry?I already bought some foods for you.You can take it at the backseat", Jeno smiled at his sister then continue his work.

Jane felt very guilty to Jeno but she knew she will always gonna deal it.They both had live together since their parents died because of car accident.Since that day,she took responsibility as the eldest to take care of her brother.She even started working during her middle school years to support their finance especially for her brother.As time passes,her role was slowly replaced by her brother although she tried to explain to Jeno about it. Eventhough she already told Jeno countless times,Jeno will always prioritize anything that involved her.He always took care of Jane,he lookes like Jane's older brother eventhough Jane is older than him.She was very worried of Jeno cause because of her,Jeno spend more time for her rather than for himself.

"Does Johny appear in your dream?",Jeno's question made Jane shocked but she tried to control her attitude,"no...nothing happened".Jeno looked at her,"I heard you called him when you asleep".

Jane walked out from the car then quickly helped Jeno carrying their things trying to avoid Jeno's question.Eventhough she acted like that,she know that Jeno heard it and Jeno know her well.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now