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Jeno sat outside Johnny's room waiting for Jane and Kun.He played with his phone until he accidentally tapped on the messages icon.He tapped on messages that Jaemin had sent it before.

Jaemin:Jeno,i know i did wrong but i still want to protect our friendship

Jaemin:i promise that i will never hurt Jane's feelings

Jaemin:lets meet at the park.i need to talk to you

These messages were received by Jeno before the incident.Suddenly he looked down,he felt guilty towards Jaemin for what he did.

He didnt realized that a tear was trickled from his eyes before Jane sat beside him then tapped him.He quickly wiped the tear as he didnt realized Jane was beside her.

"Are you okay?",Jane asked Jeno.

Jeno nodded then stood quickly,

"noona,i have urgent matter to do.You can go home with Kun hyung",he waved goodbye to Jane then walked away quickly from there leaving Jane clueless.


Jane was at her home when she heard someone knocked the door.

She opened the door then she saw Jaemin was standing infront of her.

She quickly tried to close the door but then Jaemin tried to stop her from closing the door,

"Jane,let me explain first!please listen to me!",he begged.

Jane finally stop then walked out from her house,

"what is it?",she asked.

"That day i didnt..." ,

"please go", Jaemin's explanation was interrupted by Jane.

She really hated him so much for what he did to Johnny.Jaemin looked at Jane,his face were red ravaged in sadness as he tried to hold his tears.

"Are you really..." ,

"i dont want to see you anymore!",Jane told him.

Jane turned her back to her house then walked into her house before Jaemin called her name.

She turned around looking at Jaemin,

"i love you",Jaemin confessed.

Jane looked down tried to ignore Jaemin then quickly walked inside her house leave Jaemin standing there alone outside the house.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now