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Jane opened the door and saw Jaemin stood infront of her smiling at her.

"what are you doing here?"she asked worried that he might cause any trouble as Jeno was at his room.

Jaemin just walked inside the house then sat at the couch at the living room while his arms was spreading and leaning at the couch and one of his leg on top of the other leg.

"Dont worry,Im just gonna wait for Jeno.We plan to play basketball together",he explained then smiled widely at her.

Jane felt relieved but she felt uncomfortable when Jaemin kept on staring and smiling at her.

"Stop smiling you idiot!",Jane ordered but Jaemin replied it a shrug and shooked his head tried to tease her.

"whats wrong?I just felt happy my love one was standing infront of me",he explained while laughing at Jane's reaction.

She walked closer to Jaemin then pinched his cheek tried to hurt Jaemin.

Jaemin anguished with pain then tried to pinch Jane's cheek.

They kept on playing until they accidentally fell on the couch with Jane on top of Jaemin.

Both of them felt awkward towards each other then they both hurriedly sat properly besides each other acted like nothing happened.

Suddenly,Ten came out from his room and saw Jaemin and Jane at the living room.He smiled at Jane then greet Jaemin.

Jaemin looked at Jane,

"he's gonna live here for a while",Jane explained to Jaemin.

His face is like a book,easy for her to read.Jaemin felt jealous at Ten as he thought that Ten will become closer to Jane.He felt worried that Jane might develop feelings to Ten as they gonna spend much time together.

He looked at Ten while scanning him up and down crossing his hands.He felt possesive towards Jane eventhough Jane is not his girlfriend.

Jeno walked out from the room then greet Jaemin their friendship handshake.Jeno told Jane that he's gonna play basketball with his friends then waved goodbye while Jaemin kept on looking at Jane disagree with Jane and Ten alone in the house.

"Noona,why dont you join us?Everyone really miss you as they havent seen you for a while",Jaemin tried to persuade Jane.

Jeno looked at Jaemin confused with his act while Jaemin waited for Jane's response.

Jane hesitated cause she felt very lazy to go out but she really miss the boys so she nodded.

Jaemin felt very excited and relieved but he didnt portray it,he just kept it on his heart but then his excitement faded when Jane invited Ten to join them.

Jaemin suddenly pouted when Ten wanted to join them so all four of them went out from the house on their way to the basketball court.

During on their way to the basketball court,Jaemin felt jealous as Ten and Jane walked together side to side while he walked with Jeno.

He wanted to walk with Jane but he worried that he might caught by Jeno as he still not ready to confess to Jeno that he likes Jane after the incident and he also worried that it might ruin their friendship.

When they arrived,all of the boys ran to Jane.They was so happy and excited to meet Jane cause they havent seen her for a while.

Jeno felt lowkey jealous at his friends cause all of them really like his sister.For them,Jane is a good sister and he felt worried that Jane might love them more than him.

Jane introduced Ten to all of them and all of them greeted Ten.

After that,all of them started playing while Ten and Jane sat at a bench near the court.Both of them decided not to play and just wanted to watch.

Jaemin tried to focus on the game he was easily distracted especially when Jane laughed during her conversation with Ten.Jaemin felt worried that Jane will fell in love at Ten.

Suddenly,he saw Ten tried to wipe off some dust from Jane's hair.Jaemin cant stand it then he accidentally threw the ball to Ten.

The ball hit directly to Ten's head until Ten held his head in pain.Jane quickly looked at Ten's head worried and checking whether it hurts badly or not then she yelled at Jaemin for being careless.

All of the boys except Jaemin ran to Ten checking his condition while Jaemin threw his cap to the floor then walked away from there.All of them felt weird at Jaemin's attitude but they more focused on Ten.

They help Ten to stand while Ten convinced them that he's fine.All of them decided to stop playing and went back home.

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now