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"Jane,im gonna go buy some food for our lunch.Can you wait here for a while?Dont worry,Kun will help you.He's at the counter",Jane nodded then waved to Lara goodbye.

Jane walked to the bookshelves looking for some books she can read for a while.She took a book then sat infront of the shelves.

"What book are you reading?",Jane looked up and saw Kun stood infront of her smiling at her.

She closed the book then showed at Kun while replying him with a smile.

"May i?",he asked.

"Sure",Jane replied while patting at the floor signalling to sit beside her.They chattering over some things to know each other.

Jane and Kun looked up and saw Jaemin standing there looking at them.

Jane looked at him with her shocked face then covered her face with the book that she held.

"Excuse me,may i know who's the cashier cause my friend want to pay for his book",Jaemin said.

Kun stood, apologized then quickly walked to the cashier counter.

Jaemin looked at Jane who was covering her face.

"Whats that for?I already recognize you",Jaemin said to Jane with his sarcastic voice.Jane put down her hands then looked at Jaemin with her annoyed face.She stood then walked away before she heard someone called her.

"Noona!",Jane looked at Jeno who was running at her.

"Me and Jaemin need you.We gonna have exam tomorrow so i thought you can teach us some subject if you are free",Jeno explained.

Jane felt confused,she can teach Jeno but the fact that she have to teach Jaemin too make her felt like being in hell.

Jane nodded then all of them walked to a table nearby and Jane started her teaching.

She felt awkward with Jaemin but she tried to hide her awkwardness.

Suddenly,Jeno stood then looked at his surroundings.

"Where are you going?",Jane asked.

"I have to go to the toilet.Bye",Jeno quickly ran searching for the toilet.

Jane felt very annoyed and awkward,she dont know what to do or to talk to with Jaemin.

"You're blushing",Jaemin said while writing his notes didnt do any eye contact with Jane.

Jane tried to ignore him while held his face wanna check whether she's blushing or not.

"Dumb",he replied.

Jane looked at him with her fiery eyes,

"can you please shut your mouth or dont disturb my life even just for a day",Jane replied to him in a monotone worried her voice might distracted other people.

Jaemin looked at her then continue his work tried to control his smile.

Kun came to Jane,"Jane,can you help me?I have to arrange the books on the shelves according to their colours so i really need a hand".

Jane nodded then stood while Jaemin looked at Kun sensing something.Kun looked at Jaemin tried to annoy Jaemin then looked at Jane smiled at her before both of them walked together to the bookshelves.

"Wait!",both Kun and Jane looked at Jaemin.

"I want to help too...cause..yeah...more people more easier right?"they looked at Jaemin felt confused while Jaemin just walked past them and started arranging the books.

As they arranging the books,both Jaemin and Kun always tried to get close to Jane.

They always tried to get rid of each other so that they can be near Jane.

Eventhough they kept on fighting,Jane doesnt even realized it at all.

"Jaemin,what are you doing?",all of them looked at Jeno who was from the bathroom.

Jaemin looked at Kun who was trying to hold a laugh cause he might have to leave there then go back to study with Jeno.Jane looked at her watch,"omg!I forgot!".She looked at Kun and Jeno,"i have to meet my friend at the cafe.Im very sorry.Got to go",she waved them goodbye then walked away from there.

Jane walked out from the shop then she accidentally bumped onto someone.She apologized but then she looked at the person then she frozed.


Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now