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Jaemin sat on his bed while holding the journal that he received from Jane.He's gonna open the book but then he received a message from Jane.

Jane:he's so bad at writing so bare with him.Just continue turn to the middle of the book.Thats how it started.

Jaemin opened the first page,there was drawing and writing.He looked the writing,"its jeno's handwriting",he recognized Jeno's handwriting as they have been tablemates since Jeno moved to their school.He quickly turned to the middle page of the book.

-he's the first person that doesnt felt scared and accept my flaws.

-does it wrong to fell in love at him?

Jaemin continue reading the other page as he still felt clueless and doesnt understand what Jeno wrote.He's really confusing and maybe bad at writing like what Jane said.

-so he like my sister.i saw him kissing my sister.

-i know he went to the bookshop to meet Jane.

-Huhu 😭😭

-he told me that he like my sister.what should i do?😫🙁

-i tried to act natural but i cant so i just act like i hate him .i know he wont like me.

Jaemin read it in anticipation until he didnt realized tears trickled from his eyes.

-i miss him.i waited for him infront of his house but i dont want him to know that im here.im so dumb!!

-why i leave him and let him being framed by Ten!im so stupid,i shouldnt let that happen ..maybe because i want Jane to hate him but i shouldnt do that

-i went to the airport but i dont have courage to meet him so i just looked at him from far.im sorry Jaemin

Jaemin wiped his tears but his tears cant stop flowing.He felt regret that he should realized it earlier.

-jane already know but she's ok with that and she felt guilty to me.I dont blame her,i blame myself.

-he replied my message,luckily he didnt get mad at me but he still love Jane

-yah Na Jaemin!why you so dumb?!

-should i tell him that Jane gonna marry Kun?

-he's coming back tomorrow.I cant wait!should i tell him but what if he still love Jane

-yup~im so stupid.i shouldnt fall in love recklessly and now im gonna suffered it alone.

-im a mess

Jaemin closed the journal,he cant bare to read it as he already felt suffocated and despair of losing Jeno.

He held his head facing the pain he felt in his heart while crying endlessly,

"Yah Jeno!why you dont tell me?!im so sorry for what i did to you",Jaemin kept on expressing his guilt and blamed himself.

He should have realized it earlier but its too late.

Jeno already gone,he already leave him.

Jaemin wiped his tears then took the present that Jeno supposed to give to him that night.

He opened it and it was a brown bracelet.He held the bracelet then read the sentence on the bracelet,


#P/s:thank you for reading my 4th story.you already reach the end of the chapter.Im so sorry for my weaknesses especially my writing skills or grammar and so on.feel free to read other stories and thank you for your love and support.have a good day 😊

Noona,I Really Love You /Jaemin Nct ffWhere stories live. Discover now